Day 18 of week 3, Part2 @ 18:47 : The day has swiftly gone by and as I take my comfortably warm place upon my sette, I begin to reflect back on the things I have done to improve the sculpture of my body. It started with this morning's Natalie Cassidy's 15 min warm up and 15 min high intensity fat burning aerobic exercise. I successfully got through the warm up, but the second section called "Sweat" almost took me out completely. But I hardly broke a sweat

So I had an idea! I made three holes in a black bin bag and wore it like a swear suit (that a former weight lifter taught me). After 5 minutes of jumping from here to there? I was sweating like a race horse.
My next challenge was drinking 2 litres of water which I definitely was not looking forward to onnneee bit. After the first litre I felt like I was going to be sick. I didn't drink the litre all at once, but just the first 500ml had me gagging. Before this "make or break" diet, I was quite happy to drink that much water everyday....when I was thhhhirrrsty. But this is complete madness. I realise that after today, I am going to have to force myself because after reading about water retention on wikipedia? I began to understand why I probably wasn't losing as much weight this week as I'd like to because my body is holding on to fluid. And I also read about a woman who lost 20lbs in 3 weeks from water rention alone. So. It may not be fat, but you still don't want parts of your body to look swollen. When I read that water retention was the cause of starving children's stomachs to look big? it really hit home the effects it can have on a person. So for the whole morning and afternoon I just kept drinking and drinking til it was gone! and now every 2 mins I'm bursting to go, which they say is a good sign. At least I know my kidneys work

Honestly though? I couldn't drink another cup. Seriously. However I can already see the wonderful changes it's made to my skin. Everything just feels soft, smooth and slightly toned and it's clearing up real nice. I find applying my skin creams more pleasurable because there's less surface area now lol and my skin seems to be soaking it up.
You really can't argue with the results even if I do complain. I can't deny that this diet works for me. Sure, I could've gone healthy diet and exercise rout and wait a whole month just to lose 7lbs (like my mother). But I'm on a clock here people. I don't have time for alla that. Too much time has already been wasted. The time is now. The times is today. And my greatest challenge will come once I'm ready to be re-introduced to food again next year (if I'm still alive...).
Losing weight, for me, is so much more than being superficial. It will be life changing. I am scared because I suspect that I will look beyond recognition. It's happened before when my high school friends didn't recognize me on Hi5. But this time I'm going to be a lot smaller. Hopefully not skeletal. I mean Natalie Cassidy looked fine at 8st5 so I should be ok
It's almost that time again @ 20:00. You know. I am really proud of myself for getting this far. I rrrrreally am cos before? I'd always start to diet and exercise for about two weeks, then I'd fall off the wagon again and it just kept being that way all the time which doubled my weight.
I still exercise even though the programme says I don't have to and yes exercising does hurt. Particularly the knees. But, the feeling you get afterwards is phenomenal. You feel so good in yourself. So healthy and energised. I'm really glad that I no longer feel the tiredness I did in the first week of the program because now? I can strengthen my body and burn even more fat
OK. I'm gonna go now. But if anybody is reading this now? You're not alone. If you honestly want to lose weight? You will lose it. Don't lose focus. Don't lose sight of your dream. The harder you work? The greater the rewards. Stick with it. When your mind starts craving those calories, don't give in. Find something to remind you of why you're losing weight in the first place.
Good luck to us!