Gold Member
sparty said:I am many syns are these?
Hi hun 6 syns or heb for the lot x
sparty said:I am many syns are these?
dudette2001uk said:I forgot to ask, how did you get on with the situation at work today? Hope it was good news! xx
Hi hun unfortunately we lost the franchise so as from December I will no longer work for virgin trains hopefully I will still have a job at the new company but will wait and see !!
dudette2001uk said:Dinner's looking lush Lisa! Nom nom!Try not to worry about the maccy Ds, you have plenty of time to atone before your next WI! Congrats on the 1.5lb loss hun, wooo! xx
sparty said:I haven't followed you for very long but I've already seen quite a few slip ups! Stress is obviously a trigger for you and you need to learn to be stronger and not resort to food to comfort you.
Please take this as it is intended but I think you really need to take a look at what you are will not lose weight if you keep on eating off plan. I am not trying to be mean here, it's just disappointing to hear someone is not losing. I really want you to do well, that's why we all join this forum - to give and receive help and to make it to target together.
I used to be just like this - when I first started SW I so easily gave up at the first whiff of dairy milk or suggestion of a takeaway. I needed tough love to get me out of the rut I ended up in. Maybe tough love is what you need too.....but I'm not gonna do it unless u want it. And if you do then head to the 'tough love-apply within' thread.
You will get common sense, straight talking, advice and help to prepare for trips, social events and holidays. In return you have to be honest when you go wrong (which you clearly are). So it's up to I said I was acting just like this and here I am now with 1lb to go til target. Don't expect to be told its ok to go to McDonald's and stuff your face, because honestly (and you know this deep down) its not ok. To quote a friend of tough love 'you can have excuses or you can have results but you can't have both'
I think it would really help you and I hope you get things sorted and get on the straight and narrow.