wel all,
its been a long time since i came here...
have been off the diet for some time, but glad to say i havent gained any weight, have gained 5lbs then lost it then gained it then lost it so sort of maintaining.....
im in a hotel in ketterring right now, am doing my cdc training in the morning...... so not sleeping!
tomorrow is a new start for me, i need to get to goal and fast!
if anyone here is going to be there in the morning let me know....im quite scared!
if i had kept to losing with cd, i would have been at goal by now so im really annoyed with myself, but i believe i have learned about my body, and what i can get away with, looks like it is a lifelong thing for sure.....
so DAY 1 round two tomorrow!!!
Lisee xx
Hi Lisee
Good luck for your training tomorrow..... Debz from Northern Ireland posts on here is doing her training tomorrow..... look out for her..... there is a picture of her on her avatar... her user name is Debz32 - in her avatar she has short dark hair and a pretty smile..... hope you both get on OK....