Gold Member
When u cook normal meals ur ok aren’t you so I think ul be fine. If you think you normally gain 5/6lb you may not gain anythin . You know roughly what portion to have and all the swimming and walking will help aswell.
Il be honest I have the odd week where I Cnt be bothered due to bein tired/ lazy but apart from that for saying Iv been doin it for 5 months I’m not fed up I love the results you get. So when I get home I’m on a mission to get to 13.9 by crimbo. I usually struggle with diets in winter but this is great because can have somethin hot if want unlike slimming world I felt dinner were always salads or cold pasta salad etc.
Il gain a stone on holiday if not more . In Oct last year I gained 10lb but Iv been dreaming about the fresh bread and cocktails for so long. I’m not bothered tho as long as it’s gone by end of Aug. We go on 31st July untill 7th Aug . It’s a Tuesday so il prob weigh in but officially start the following Saturday as I’m off work that week and so is he . I don’t want to start then find myself having dinner out etc. I want a complete fresh week where he isn’t there sayin shall we have dominoes etc lol.
Yep I need to go and get all new clothes. I Cnt decide when to go tho. Nearly a stone still left to go and can make such a difference can’t it, but I also need some growing room in them haha. Il prob leave it untill I get to 15.2 that’s 2 1/2 stone that way when I reach 15.9 hopefully iv got 7lb to play with before start gettin tight
I'd be super happy if I don't get a gain but expect a small one. We probably walk between 5 - 10 miles each day, so might be ok now I'm not drinking so much
It's crazy isn't it. I've never stuck to a diet like I have this one. Normally I diet during winter and do from January to Easter and then give up after my Easter holiday. I've always found getting back on the diet wagon after a holiday impossible but this time it's different, it was so easy to get back on it after I'd been to Florida and I know it will be next time as well.
I loved it last week, going to get all new clothes. I thought I could have waited an extra week but wanted to make sure I got everything I wanted. It was so nice trying things on and them fitting nicely.