Good morning,Just jumped on the scales for my mid week weigh in and I'm the same as I was on Wednesday, which is strange because I didn't have loads of water last night, so it looks like the water is effecting my morning weigh in. I'm sure it will all work its self out in the end, lol.
I had a great night last night with friends and as expected the curry was healthy

I wouldn't have a clue how to count it but I reckon with everything it was probably about 900 calories. Pleased with that because I'd had less than 300 calories during the day, so not too far off.
Today I'm doing a 25 mile bike ride, actually looking forward to it. I'm doing it with hubby, kid and my brother and his girlfriend. We're actually going to turn it into a bit of a pub crawl....well you can't go 25 miles without a stop in this heat, lol!!
My plan is to have toast for breakfast and then eat out somewhere either during or after the bike ride. I'll probably only drink diet coke, not sure gin on the bike would be a good idea! I'm not even going to think about what I'll have to eat because whatever it is, I'll have earnt it, lol.
Good luck on the scales Laura.