ProPoints Liz's Healthy Diary (hopefully)

Hope the scan date comes soon and all goes well! Hugs xx
They can do get things now for endo, once they figure out what exactly they have to do. My sister has the same and her insides where all kinda stuck together. They sorted her out with some keyhole surgery and she is having her second baby now. Hope they do something for you, hope the scan comes sooner.. xxx
Amazing what they can do for people now isn't it Laura?
I hope your scan goes ok honey... Fingers crossed for you xXx

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CarlyLanky140 said:
Hope the scan date comes soon and all goes well! Hugs xx

Thanks sweetie xx
MrsLmc said:
They can do get things now for endo, once they figure out what exactly they have to do. My sister has the same and her insides where all kinda stuck together. They sorted her out with some keyhole surgery and she is having her second baby now. Hope they do something for you, hope the scan comes sooner.. xxx

Hi thanks laura x
I hav had surgery twice in 2002 so i had hoped it had gone but obv not, prob after scan they will hopefully be able to sort my insides out lol x aw congratz to ur sis babies i know its difficult wen u hav endo, im not planning to hav kids as i hav an older hubby n hav step kids n grandkids so they can get rid of all my insides if they like lol x
Happy new year all xx
Happy new year hon, hope its a good one x

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Hi all
Well its january 2012, gosh time flies!
Dieting n bak to the gym for me starting this wk, so starting Slimming World again as it seems to suit me, am ready for less food as xmas has been eat, eat, eat lol
So i will update on here tomoz with start weight and my plan, just going thru my diet plans now, getting to grips with it all!
Good luck with all ur 2012 diet plans girls!!
Hey hunny! Hope you're well. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed some yummy food. Good luck with slimming world, you'll do ace. We can do this xxxxx
I've never tried slimming world but its fairly popular here! Hope it goes well hon, good luck with it! How much are you looking to lose chick? X

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Good luck with SW :) u going to meetings? Xx
azwethinkweiz said:
I've never tried slimming world but its fairly popular here! Hope it goes well hon, good luck with it! How much are you looking to lose chick? X

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Thanks Sarah.
I hope to loose a dress size really, maybe a stone but anything over half a stone is great to start with! ;-)
CarlyLanky140 said:
Good luck with SW :) u going to meetings? Xx

Thanks hun, no meetings, doing myself, done it before n hav kept all the paperwork etc, so will give it a gud go x
Start weight is 11st 10lbs, to b expected, last weigh beg of Nov was 11st 5lb then after cruise was 11st 10lbs so still same, odd! Never mind still too heavy, plus i just at start of TOTM, not a gud start but hey these things r set to try us all!

Todays plan: red day
2 of each healthy extras A&B-
A:dairy, B:Fibre
Drink lots of water, measure milk-350ml sk milk per day.
Crunchy all bran cereal 1HEB n sk milk 1HEA
2 brown bread 2HEB n 2 boiled eggs
Perle delait Yoghurt-6syns, banana
Tandoori chicken n rice

Wish me luck! ;-)
Bak to work today too agh!
Diary looks brill. I used to do loads of red days when I did slimming world otherwise I went nuts on the carbs, did extra easy at the weekends too lol. Good luck with your plan, I'm sure you'll do brilliant and well done for sts over christmas xx
MrsLmc said:
Diary looks brill. I used to do loads of red days when I did slimming world otherwise I went nuts on the carbs, did extra easy at the weekends too lol. Good luck with your plan, I'm sure you'll do brilliant and well done for sts over christmas xx

Thanks hun xx ;-)
Im gonna try doin xtra easy but it sometimes confuses me lol
Extra easy always looked to good to be true to me, but as long as you do the rules (can't remember what they are now) it works. Just my portion sizes were getting too big and I missed not being able to have a proper bar, and gravy and sauces were quite high in syns too as far as I can remember lol
Red day looking fab!

Extra easy is great if u don't need a b for brekkie and lunch... I loved it... I did it for ages do feel free to quiz me lol xx