Lizz's "to Inslimity and beyond" diary

the problem i have i think is i dont even taste the sh*te i'm eating let alone stop to think....its gone before i realise how much i have eaten!
Its my little girls birthday in 2 weeks so i'm desperately going to try SS until then....i will carry on beyond that, but thats my mini challenge!
Actually, my mini challenge is to get through day 1 all over again!

still feeling very sad and sorry for myself so i really appreciate your posts ladies. Thanks you both!

Oh Lizz, I'm so sorry to read how awful you are feeling and understand completely. Porgeous's post is brilliant and just what I am trying to do at the moment. Try to put the regrets you feel behind you and move on, not easy I know, but I think it's the only way forward. Thinking of you lots xxx
Day by day Lizz... we can do it. Hugs.

still coping ok at the moment. Staving though which i forgot about, but drinking my coffee and water (6lr so far already).
Had a porridge for lunch, and have soup and shake still to have and determined to see the day out food free.
been looking into seeing a hypnotherapist for my emotional and boredam eating but its V expensive so keeping forcus on just getting through today....
Fingers crossed!
I really want to get a stone off by 18th Jan which isnt too far away but considering i have gone from eating so much to so little i think its achievable! She

i drink most of it during the day so its all done, and then i only usually have about 1lr in the evening.
None of that is including my coffee intake! :D I do love my liquids! lol

Forgot how nice the Chicken and Mushroom soup was and am finding the day getting easier as i get closer to bedtime! Very excited to nearly complete my first mini target!
Phew! About bloody time!
Oh Liz......Hug x

Ok, so me and you, same boat, same wagon.....let's get going again !

We have both been very naughty and we are both seeing the consequences...BUT we did it together once and we can do it together again ! You kept me going so many times and now we need each other more than ever !

I hated changing my sig...but I need to see the damage to see how to go on !

We will see those numbers drop again, we will manage to get thru this !

I have my bday on 24th and I want to be able to go out for a few meals with my friends and maybe this time I will learn something...we both will.

Love and Hugs and Get the old Lizz back, the one who says goodbye to the pounds !!!!!!!!!
you have just inspired me to do the same so all my details are now up to date too! :( Oh the shame!
But at least we're doing something about it now!
We are bloomin silly arent we!

Huge husa back at you hun! We are a team and a half when our heads are in the right place! Mine is back in the right place now so lets blitz these bodies again back to their former glory!

WE not only CAN do it, but we will bloody well succeed!!!!!

Hon, I am sorry I must have missed this post earlier today.......
YOU CAN DO IT HON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! You have done it before and you can do it again..
Keep your chin up and take each day at a time slowly slowly and get through each day and then think of the next...
Hang in there hon I have every faith in you!!!
lotsa love & big hugs Marissa xxxx

You are doing really well - keep going the lbs will come off. It's not easy going back to SS, so admire you :)

Today is another day...and for once, i'm not looking back on yesterday as a total disaster! I managed SS all day, and i cant stop smiling to myself! All that motivation and positivity has come back and i know that it wont take long to shift this stupid extra weight!

Trying not to beat myself up too much about the whole situation though, its in the past and i have moved on now!

I can finally say that i have stopped the cycle and that feels good! I know its only been 1 day done, but that has always been the hardest to me! So now, its day 2 and onwards and SLIMWARDS!

Still have the photo of me in my purse of when i was at my slimest in September, so if in doubt, i will look at that and see my goals!
And i certainly dont want to have to buy fat girl jodhpurs for horse riding!!!
Hey Lizz,
Good on you hon.... so pleased your feeling better today and had a great day yesterday.... You can do it hon..
You wont be wearing those fat girl jodhpurs for sure!!!
Keep smiling hon and chin up xxx Marissa xxx
Hope the day is still going well for you Lizz and am glad you are feeling better.

I wonder how many people actually get it right the first time on CD? Not me for sure. I know the feelings of restarting and it wasn't fun so am glad you are through that step again. Just think by the time the weather begins to warm up, you'll be feeling great and looking even better than you do now.
i suppose its arrogance and naivity that made me think i would never be a restarter! tutting at my own stupidity!

Day 2 went really well and onto day 3 now. Still not sure when to get weighed but i know it sounds silly but i already feel slimmer!

not been into the office since tuesday becuase of the weather and i'm wondering if i will get to see it this week at all!

Dieting is going well though. I'm still having a few cravings, oddly not for chocolate though as i have been without that for 7 days now thanks to my new years resolution!
Freya wants a chocolate cake for her birthday which suits me fine as it means i wont be tempted to have any! lol.
I'm thinking that i might stay on SS until Valentines day and then step up to SS+. figured that 6 weeks on SS could see me drop 25lbs and then SS+ for the rest as i need to step up the plans in time for Disneyland paris. I dont really want to be on the lower plans for then! So i feel like i have a plan which makes me more confident! :)

Hope everyone has a super day today!
Well done on getting through day 2, you are well and truly into it, good luck with day 3!

Have a fab one!

Proud of you Lizz, and the plan sounds great. I don't think arrogance/naievety had much to do with the struggle... so many of us come unstuck, after all. There is a real buzz from getting to goal on a vlcd and even though we know otherwise with our logical minds, a bit of us thinks that surely the hardest part is over. It isn't, though... I think I have more to learn this year than ever.

Go for it Lizz... we're still here, and that means we are not quitters!

i suppose its arrogance and naivity that made me think i would never be a restarter!

No, it isn't, it was optimism! Now I knew I always would...... :(

Well done though, keep going for us all, the encouragement from seeing everyone doing well is contagious! xx
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thank you all for being so lovely! It gives me such renewed hope!

Today, another SS difference with the addition of a handful of blueberries! I know they arent on the plan (obiously!) but i needed a sweet fix between shakes it seemed like the option with the least damage! Hay, check me out using damage control! Now why didnt that pop up whilst i was stuffing myself with chocolates?!?!?! lol

Sat in bed watching Twilight for the 4th time today! Its my favourite film and i have read all the books and i just never bore of it! I have a hot shake and a bottle of water too for company while DH is at work!
Dreading having to go into the office tomorrow....dont really have to, but feel i should! Terrified of coming off our driveway car is right at the top and its so steep that i'm terrified of just skidding off it and hitting the cars across the road! So will see how the situation is in the morning before i make a decision!

So its time to shut the laptop and snuggle down with my drinks! Damn those blueberries....was coping 100% really well! lol
Oh well, i'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over 12 cals and 4g of carbs!