LoChan's diary - hello!

There is a few on the judd forum that do the 8 hour window it depends in what works for you but there is some science to it and if you have a tendency to snack after dinner it can work well read up on leangains for more info.
Hey sweets your weigh in today good luck :) xxx
do you go to a group or are you doing it online? I think you need to make sure you have a great set at home if it is your weigh in tool, so many tales of people on here fluctuating so much but then being fine at their groups.

No shopping? are you feeling ok? lol

Great going with the water and squatts :) I haven't heard of the 8 hour diet.... but I am sceptical about anything working longterm. It needs to be something a person can actually stick too, I am quite impressed with sw for that reason. For the first time in ages I have been really excited by food, and can imagine being able to stay on this.

I'm doing it from home currently as finding a group I can get to is proving tricky plus sometimes if I'm feeling low pr my anxiety is playing up a group setting isn't good for me :( I've got some Salter digital scales and they seem to be fairly accurate. I think they've been a bit dodgy this week from not getting enough sleep with it being so hot plus a bit of water retention :rolleyes: They played nice this morning though :D

There is a few on the judd forum that do the 8 hour window it depends in what works for you but there is some science to it and if you have a tendency to snack after dinner it can work well read up on leangains for more info.

Evenings really are my worst time of day and I think that's what's got my interest peaked actually. I've inadvertently managed a 16hr fast now between 9pm and 1pm and I'm sure it's helped me recover a loss on the scales this morning! I'll have a proper read up about it (thanks for the site recommendation) and I think I'll try this for a couple of days this week to see how it works with SW :)

Hey sweets your weigh in today good luck :) xxx

*hugs* great to see you here lovely. I did good :D xxxx
2.5lbs off for me this week - considering I was on for a 1lb gain yesterday I am absolutely thrilled with that :D

I think the things that did it was upping the water intake, eating my tea a lot earlier than I have been (around 6.30 instead of 9pm+) and getting caught up with my sleep - must have all added up to cause a good fat/water flush overnight lol

Thankfully I'm still feeling motivated on the exercise front so will be carrying on with my squat challenge and weekend walks plus back to circuit classes on Monday/Thursday next week. Throw in a few 8 hour eating windows this week, I'm really excited to see what my next WI result will be :)

P.S Finally getting round to trying the Chicken Katsu curry recipe tonight but with a Cook Yourself Thin tweak, going to try crushed up cornflakes as the 'panko' instead of breadcrumbs (synning the cornflakes natch'). Hope it's just as nice if not better than the Wagamama version!
fab loss-Go girly theres no stopping you, let me know how the corn flake katsu curry goes, the sauce is yummy :) xxx
Glad those scales behaved themselves this morning :) well done on the loss!

looking at your stats, hopefully next week you can crack into the next stone down :)

Thanks Izzy, I really hope I see that 25st something next week I'd be so happy :) I need to stop peeking at the scales all week though, might get O/H to hide them for me!

fab loss-Go girly theres no stopping you, let me know how the corn flake katsu curry goes, the sauce is yummy :) xxx

Thank'ee hun, I vont to be a fat-burning machine lol

The sauce is on the go now, smells good :) I've gone and made the full recipe's worth though when it's only me eating it. Hope it freezes well lol. If the cornflake coating works well I might treat myself to some jumbo prawns to make ebi katsu for the weekend :D
Awesome loss my friend! So pleased! Cornflakes sound like a fab idea! Will be crunchier I think. I LOVED the Katsu curry I'm sure you will too xxx
Awesome loss my friend! So pleased! Cornflakes sound like a fab idea! Will be crunchier I think. I LOVED the Katsu curry I'm sure you will too xxx

Thanks Alison :)

The cornflakes worked really well though I mixed it with a little bit of breadcrumbs 'cause I didn't have quite enough cereal, will be stocking up on some for the future though!
Food diary for Friday (EE Day 36)

B: Bacon, scrambled egg, mushrooms, tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, baked beans, 1 piece whm toast (1/2 hexb).

L: Chicken Katsu Curry (5 syns), sticky rice, salad. Orange, Mango & Cinnamon Iced Tea (mmm). Pineapple.
Chicken Katsu Curry & Iced Tea.JPG

D: Beetroot & feta couscous salad (hexa & 4 syns). Mullerlight.
Beetroot & Feta couscous salad.JPG

S: Tarte aux Pommes Magnum (10.5 syns), alpen light (1/2 hexb).

Katsu was a success, can tell the difference between baked and deepfried but for 5 syns instead of 27 for the original you can't knock it :D

Did the 8 hour 'food window' yesterday and going to try for the same today and tomorrow then maybe thursday, see how it goes. It makes sense on weekends as I get up late anyway and for some reason feel obliged to fit in three full meals when I could probably manage on two regular and possible one lighter meal/snack in the evening. I'm not committing myself to it fully yet so if I end up needing to eat I will do so sensibly :)
did you make your own sauce? x
Food diary for Saturday (EE Day 37)

B: Pumpernickel (hexb + 3 syns), peanut butter (6 syns), banana, yogurt.

L: Grilled chicken 'nokatsu' curry, sw chips, tomato & onion salad. Pineapple.
Grilled chicken curry 'n chips.jpg

D: Chicken breast with feta couscous & salad.
Chicken 'n couscous.jpg

S: Strawberry cornetto (8 syns).
Food looks awesome, must check out some of those recipes, and great loss 16.5 lbs in 5 weeks is amazing xx

I feel it's illegal buying booze when they deliver it to my house in thick black plastic bags, weird :confused:
I'm really pleased with my results so far, I went to WW last year and it took me at least twice as long to lose that much! More whole foods and cooking from scratch really does make a difference :)

Hmn is booze illegal there or just really frowned upon? I thought it might be in the UAE, don't know much about Egypt. I was wondering the same about the pork too...
In the UAE Pork is available in the normal supermarkets just in a closed of section, it's very expensive though and not great quality, mostly imported from the UK and the sliced ham etc comes from the USA mainly, booze you allegedly need a license for and is sold in off licenses which are very incognito and usually hidden in back streets. What they UAE lacked in pork they were excellent at substituting either beef or chicken for, or a turkey rasher or 2 so it wasn't so bad.

Egypt is a whole other ball game, firstly pork was only available again recently, there is to my knowledge one shop that imports German pork products, it was OK but has no normal sausages, just german ones and not to my personal taste, the ham was good but everything is frozen, so no fresh stuff at all.

Booze is available except you can only buy egyptian made stuff, no imported beer wine or spirits so say good bye to your absolute or smirnoff vodka and hello ID ( firewater). The hotels have imported spirits in the bars, but after the revolution the bars and hotels are very quiet, lots of places closing down and things are a bit rough here in general, bars are expensive, a vodka and diet coke would set you back about 8 quid which to put it in perspective a public school teacher might get 80 quid per month!! Lets you know just how bad it is.
sounds like a difficult time for all those in Egypt :(

alcohol isn't exactly the most important thing, but I can imagine everything else being effected too.

Food looks Yummy LoChan, and now I want a cornetto!
In the UAE Pork is available in the normal supermarkets just in a closed of section, it's very expensive though and not great quality, mostly imported from the UK and the sliced ham etc comes from the USA mainly, booze you allegedly need a license for and is sold in off licenses which are very incognito and usually hidden in back streets. What they UAE lacked in pork they were excellent at substituting either beef or chicken for, or a turkey rasher or 2 so it wasn't so bad.

Egypt is a whole other ball game, firstly pork was only available again recently, there is to my knowledge one shop that imports German pork products, it was OK but has no normal sausages, just german ones and not to my personal taste, the ham was good but everything is frozen, so no fresh stuff at all.

Booze is available except you can only buy egyptian made stuff, no imported beer wine or spirits so say good bye to your absolute or smirnoff vodka and hello ID ( firewater). The hotels have imported spirits in the bars, but after the revolution the bars and hotels are very quiet, lots of places closing down and things are a bit rough here in general, bars are expensive, a vodka and diet coke would set you back about 8 quid which to put it in perspective a public school teacher might get 80 quid per month!! Lets you know just how bad it is.

Ah that does sound rough and quite a bit of culture shock to deal with :( Hope you/your D/H is getting a decent wage to make it worthwhile (presuming work is the reason you're over there) x

sounds like a difficult time for all those in Egypt :(

alcohol isn't exactly the most important thing, but I can imagine everything else being effected too.

Food looks Yummy LoChan, and now I want a cornetto!

I wanted a Solero but they must have died on the way home from the shops 'cause they were a gloopy refrozen mess :( So I pinched one of the O/H's cornettos lol It was nice enough but not as good as the tarte aux pomme magnums :D
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