Just tried the cheese version of the flaxseed fried chicken. Very nice! I didn't have parmesan cheese but used cheddar very finely grated and it worked very well indeeed, it made the batter much thicker, almost like an Atkins version of KFC, yummy! The chicken does always look very dark when it's fried because of the flaxseed but it tastes heavenly.
On a different subject, has anyone ever had dreams that they ate loads of carbs and broke their diet? Every so often i get this, normally when i'm on a roll and doing really well and haven't broken the diet in weeks, like now. Last night i dreamed that i ate a whole bunch of grapes, and felt bad for breaking my diet and then thought "oh stuff it" and ate a whole packet of Jammy Dodgers too. Then i woke up and wasn't quite sure if i had broken the diet or not, didn't know if it had actually happened! Jumped on the scales and i hadn't gained so convinced myself it wasn't real,,... what a relief!