Right. so I've ordered the sample pack (28 packs) of S&S which is next working day delivery, which I guess is Tuesday if they despatch tomorrow. Had a good UD yesterday

so counting today as my last UD for a nice up weekend (although had too many strawberry pencils bleurgh..) and a DD tomorrow in preparation to start VLCD on Tuesday (or wednesday I guess depending on what time it comes? - shoot didn't think of that I should've had DD today UD tomorrow DD Tues and then S&S Weds. Nevermind. I'll wing it!!)
Just going to do the first week and see how it goes - no pressure. I guess I'll need to make a decision about carrying it on by the weekend, but it's payday on Fri so that works out well, can order more then if I want to, or just go back to JUDDD (which I'll go back to in the end anyway as I lurve it).
Don't really want to make it common knowledge so may make the veg allowance in the morning and put it in a tub with one of the meals to heat up at work so it just looks like I'm eating veg with sauce for lunch.
Food yesterday - hazlenut yog & banana, cauliflower cheese (small bowl), cheese tomato and chorizo quaesedilla, mamee noodle snack, 3 :ashamed0005: mars ice creams, egg fried rice with peas (homemade) salmon in oyster sauce and corn on the cob, a pomelo (disappointing, never had one before but it wasn't v ripe), a pomegranate, and I think that's it, oh - one more hazlenut yog at bedtime **edit just remembered 2 or 3 digestive biscuits
Food today - seeded toast and butter x 3, strawberry pencils (lots), french stick and butter, mars ice cream (the last one to bloomin get rid of it!), walkers baked x 3 :ashamed0005: and will have fish and oven chips later.
Here's to my last UD for a while
btw - i was already thinking of S&S but then bought this dress from Tesco which looked quite roomy at the bottom so bought size 16 and can't fricking get it over my hips - I could wear it as a top with the bottom bit scrunched around my waist!!! So target 1 = get into the cute dress. It's hanging on the outside of my wardrobe to remind me.