Lou's Journey in the land of JUDDD

hellooo! Just popping in to say 'Hi!', I'm still reading all your diaries but am now posting on my new one here http://www.minimins.com/slim-save-diaries/296975-lous-new-tactic-will-s-s-answer.html

Day 3 of 100% S&S dedication is complete. Got a cold now which I never get so that will test the old willpower. First weigh in on Sat

Good luck on all your journeys, without this site I would have fallen off the wagon (worse than I did) and stayed off until reaching a new high of weight and misery

Love all the minis xxxx
Thank you :) Yes UD tomorrow. Have realised I can't do 'Hannah's Way' as I'm out for dinner Weds night, so it will be straight up and down days, at least until Weds lol!! Then possibly can do 9 days of S&S before Xmas starts 'for real'....although just realised have bro and sis in law over for dinner Sunday too, so will need that to be an UD

Yes, JUDDD is the only way I can handle the next few weeks...no point stopping and starting S&S as that's just a waste of the packs if I'm not doing it properly.
Just did the calculator on the JUDDD website I'm coming out at 382/1908 which averages at 1145 per day over a 2 week period.

382 cals is basically cups of tea and maybe a soup? May need to keep it liquids only

I'll ponder this overnight
One UD and one DD complete :) Onto another UD today, just had a bacon and mushroom sandwich for breakfast DELISH...

I'll carry my diary on in the members section, I've had the name of it changed to reflect the S&S JUDDD combo that I'm planning on. e.g. S&S Oct22-Dec6th JUDDD until new year - S&S for a while in the new year:
