Hi Susie. Thanks for asking. It turns out I have Glaucoma. This is something that I have been having odd flare ups of for a few years, but usually not too bad. Not bad enough to need medication, but this time I have drops. He said it has nothing to do with the symptoms I am describing and that
that is pure allergy. Here's the bad news: -the drops he has given will cause an allergic reaction!

So, my eyes could end up even worse than they feel now. -There was me, hoping he would give me drops for my swollen eyes and in a day or two I would be sparkly eyed and all the puffiness gone, and in fact the opposite might be the case! *mutter* Of course I am grateful he has spotted the glaucoma, which has flared up fairly recently, I had an eye check in the summer, with him, and it was OK then. I have to go back to see him and the ENT guy in 2 weeks. If the drops are causing great problems, he can change them, he said. I am really hoping its not as bad as he has said, because I am fed up with looking bleary eyed and tired. It would be nice to wear makeup and look good :wave_cry:
Btw, the swelling I am now complaining of is not on the eyelid edge, but in the eye socket above the eye, it is the lacrymal gland. He says that too is allergy, but, so far the pill I am taking for the allergy is not helping with that particular problem. I will persevere with the pill I have, and if the problem persists, I will ask the eye chap if I can have eye drops for the allergy (-and will they cause problems with the glaucoma drops). I really don't fancy feeling and looking like this, long term.