M-Mouse's Droppings

Lovely to read:). Blokes can be so precious about their cars great that he is letting you drive his!

:love047: ... soon?
<I've got a hat!>
PMSL Jo!!!!
LOL who knows what the future brings xxx
awww thankyou so much xxx
and me i love a good wedding !!!
and at least we know, at Vicky's wedding, that the food will be (Atkins) edible which at a push would suit us ish... I think the vodka might flow too :D
I am off on rugby tour this evening so I am experimenting with making oatbran biscotti! I have one lot in the oven and if they are good I will make another batch to take with me.
rugby tour!!! did you get your glasses love?
Yes I got some in the 99p store - they're not particularly wacky, but pretty hideous:D

I am hoping for good weather for being a rugby Mum!! It's not so much fun in the mud and rain!

What are you up to this weekend my loved up lovely?

Is anyone doing anything nice?
ha ha lol we want piccies :)

bbq and beach for me :) xx
lol no! bbq at tickles tonight :D
LOL :) yes always come with me :) xxx
Well it is perfect weather for a barbie.

I am sat at my desk looking out onto the garden and I just want to be out there! Maybe I will take the laptop out there later - although that always seems to end in disaster because it's too sunny:D

I must remember to pack some sun block for the weekend! I rang to try and book some spa treatments at the place we are staying at but they were booked up:sigh:
oh no re the spa treatments. is there anywhere near you could have one done? sun block whats that? LOL x