M-Mouse's Droppings

Sorry DD! You are the least stroppy person I don't know:D

That's because you've never stood in my kitchen when I'm cooking. I'd terrify the hell out of Gordon Ramsay when I'm in there, and I'm make a docker blush. :eek:

My tummy just feels rock hard and kind of red raw inside. I didn't eat anything out of the ordinary yesterday so I don't know.

That sounds really awful, Mouse. I just wish they would hurry up and find something to help you.
I have 8 sachets of something nasty to drink down before dinner time :)
I have 8 sachets of something nasty to drink down before dinner time :)

Eugh! Is that for medicinal purposes or to prepare you for some kind of internal exploratory exam?

(I had quite a few of those many years ago and was forced to drink some truly awful stuff. My sympathy to you if it's anything like that.)
lovely remember doing that with laxcido blergh the taste
morning love - how you feeling xxx
Oh Mouse I'm so sorry you're unwell... here's hoping you're just busy today and not still under the weather.
ooooh "glad" to hear that... (well you know what I mean!!)
Lol I know what you mean Jo. Hows things today Kim?
Every time I click on Mousey's diary, this is the first thing I see...

Roll on her posting a bit more again so that the page rolls over!
Well I have put my first tofu cake in the oven. Still think I might have the wrong stuff - but hey - it all mixed in!

Did anyone ever have one of those modelling kits when they were a kid? You made a figure in a mould and it came out like a glutinous blancmange type stuff, and then you dried it and painted it.

Well that is what my tofu was like - a sort of cross between jelly and cheese.

Talking of which, while I was looking at the online chat earlier Dr D was talking about goats cheese and cheddar flavourings that he is selling in France and going to start selling here!! I think I'd rather wait for the proper stuff!!