Good morning all
I've only just got up, look at the time

, check me out with my lazy lie in
I'm not going to be able to do my DVD this morning

I have a teenager that isn't mine asleep on the sofa

Daughter went out last night to one of those under 18 nightclubs and one friend was already arranged to stay over, no problem, when she calls at 11.00 as they're on the way home to ask if another friend could stay as he had no way of getting home

Well, what could I say? I couldn't say no could I? Had to leave H a quick note to let him know or he'd have got quite a shock this morning! You know what teenagers are like...... god knows what time this boy is going to peel himself up from my sofa
Anyway..... enough waffle about my hastily arranged B&B arrangements.......
As Rose has said already, caring for a child with special needs is indeed a challenge every single day, but the rewards more than outweigh any difficulties

We do always put them first don't we and our needs are way down the priority list. I think I've possibly been guilty as using this as a sort of excuse for my over-eating

"life is hard, blah blah, I don't have time to diet etc....." which is ridiculous when you think about it..... how much more time does it take to eat a banana for example, than a cake?
I don't know if I'm going to fit in my workout today now

I'm working this weekend (on call, so at least at home) but Saturday afternoons tend to be busy, then I've got my parents visiting later. The thought of doing it tonight does not fill me with any excitement at all. Oh what to do.......!
Am off to read and reply to PMs now, thank you both, you know who you are

Have a great day everyone
ps. the ice-cream lol, it's a tesco light choices "low fat iced dessert" and it is gorgeous. Only about £1.50 for a huge tub and I only need about 2 or 3 scoops in a bowl then fill the rest of the bowl with the sugar free jelly. Feels like a really naughty dessert but it really isn't

Go forth to Tesco my friends and purchase forthwith