Thanks guys
LFM, I think I've heard of that, is it the "Couch to 5K" thing? I've got slightly dodgy knees, not sure if that would make them worse? I would like to look into it though, I've always fancied being able to run......

Sounds like a good idea with the bags of sugar lol, I'd end up moving them though, they'd get on my nerves!
I actually did Level 3 this morning on the Shred

and it was effing brutal. Still loving it though, it's definitely working
I had some good news this morning too which I think I can credit Jillian with

I have a torn tendon in my right shoulder, had a scan about 3 weeks ago on it and I was back seeing my GP this morning to discuss it and I was telling him about the Shredding and how actually I think it is helping my shoulder and he agreed when I explained the sort of exercises I do, push ups, plank jacks etc.... lots of which are floor work so using my upper body. He got me to do some exercises with him to test my shoulder's strength (last time I saw him about 6 weeks ago I could barely do them without being in alot of pain), there's one where he held his hands up in front of him and I had to push my hands against him..... well, I almost sent him flying across the office

He said my upper body strength was "very impressive" and said he might need to get the DVD for himself :8855:
So the upshot is I don't need to go for Physio now, he told me to just carry on with what I'm doing and it sounds very much like the tear is healing itself (with the help of Jillian!)