aw Miss D
I have been feeling it this week a bit more too-staring at crisps in the cupboard, sniffing the glorious salad my team leader eats, looking at the choccie biscuits in wonder that the manager bought us
But I sit here now, and I am OK, not hungry,
one thing that I found interesting is my new scales (from Home Bargains, £7.99

measures everything
including BMI
it does the muscle, fat, water
and also at the end of it tells me the Kcal intake I should be taking to maintain that weight
now its only 1600kcal
so I am on 600kcal per day
so my deficit of 1,000kcal will make me lose an average of 1lb every 3 days
(3,000kcal = 1lb weight loss)
so I am on track really, as I seem to roughly now settled into 3lbs a week
to increase my "burn" I could increase my muscle (currently approx 29%)
something to think about?
I am with Yambabe on these scales, they put it all into perspective
wish you lived closer, you would be welcome to stand on my scales