Me and Tony Ferguson...

Hi everyone!

hope the weekend is going well....

mine is going fine so far, still happily TFing it. Have got chores coming out of my ears so won't be around much this weekend, but will be popping on from time to time

good luck with the wkend I have started this morning xx

how are you all? I've run around all weekend looking after my mum, who's just come out of hospital, so I haven't really had time to think about TF.

But am back to work tomorrow so will be cracking on with getting more lovely losses this week!

Hey Rach

Hope your mum's well on the way to recovery

Good luck for getting back on track tomorrow - not that you'll need it ;)


Mum's fine, I haven't stopped since she came out of hospital so my losses should be supported because of all the running around I'm doing!

Back on track - this diet is sooo easy I wish i tried it MONTHS ago!
