Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Had acupuncture today - I'm so pleased my shoulder is slowly getting less painful and today they measured from elbow to top of my head 17cm and 2 wks ago was 21cm - this is my arm straight above my head - problem is that my arm doesn't straighten completely without assistance .. My elbow sticks out! But I'm so happy with the progress I'm getting from the acupuncture!!

But I've noticed after each session - that I am hungrier than normal , wanting dark chocolate- normally I'm satisfied with a few bits but I could eat a whole 100g bar, plus potatoes with lots of salt or even better hot chips, crisps (I don't normally like crisps)

Decision made: when I've got an acupuncture appt I'm going to have a normal food day, no fasting, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and early to bed!! Otherwise I'm wanting rubbish!!
How to Get the Most Out of Your Acupuncture Sessions.

It is not optimal to come hungry, thirsty or rushed to a treatment. Please eat a few hours before treatment and do not come full of caffeine, using recreational drugs, or while fasting. Lol there is my answer .. I've had my sessions in a fasted state - ie not had breakfast

Next time will have breakfast !
Hunger - occasionally people feel hungry after treatment.
Emotional - very occasionally people feel elated or tearful after treatment The treatment session usually lasts approx. 20 minutes

I'm not imagining it lol!!
I should have searched before now, on fasting/ not eating before acupuncture !

First: Eat before acupuncture, but not right before. Skipping breakfast or lunch is almost always bad for you - it requires your body to work extra by not being adjusted to the natural rhythms of the day. But it is particularly to be avoided before an acupuncture treatment. If you skip a meal before acupuncture, the movement of the body's subtle energy (qi, from here on) can become ungrounded, leading to possible upwards or downwards reckless qi. Symptoms of this may include dizziness, fainting, nausea, or headache. So, eat your wheaties (or should I say, sprouted whole grain cereal and pasture-grazed organic eggs.)
Visit Preparation - On the Day of Your Appointment
The following suggestions are provided to help you have a safe and relaxing experience with acupuncture.
Eat a light meal 2 hours prior to your visit.
Acupuncture is not performed on individuals who are fasting.
Do not overeat or eat any foods that cause your stomach to be upset like rich, greasy, fried, or extremely spicy foods
Avoid alcohol on the day of your treatment.
Avoid heavy exertion (including sexual activity) immediately before and after treatment (i.e. within 2 hours).
Set aside enough time so that you are not rushing to and from your visit.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing that can be rolled up to your elbows or knees.
I'm due TOTM next couple days, my tummy feels heavy, and bloated and I'm so very hungry for that elusive "something!"
I have had the worst cravings today for sweets, cakes, you name it .. Just every min my head is shouting for it! I'm proud actually! I've not had any croissants, cakes, milk choc, haribos.. I also didn't make any primal cakes either lol was tempted so badly to do that!

Ok I've had some dark choc - but not the whole bar.. I've had blueberries with 1 scoop coconut gelato.. Eggs, ham, feta, cheese, sausage, veg bag of crisps (don't normally like crisps - so not sure what that's about!) some rice..

Really want TOTM to get here so that all these cravings will go away!
Feeling better today, cravings have reduced (thank goodness) Didn't give in to cravings yesterday and stayed away from all the cakes, & biscuits made with wheat :)

I have an infection in my gum near where I took my wisdom tooth out last year.. There is a small hole in the area where my wisdom tooth used to be and when I sneezed hard last week I think I opened the hole up again and now it's infected. Hurts loads but the antibiotics should sort it out! If it keeps happening I might need to go to the hospital and they will stitch it up - this is the 2nd time this year it's happened.. Don't really want to have to go the hospital!
Picked up my antibiotics and having codydamol with it too .. My tooth is so painful!
Thank goodness at about 9am this morning the pain went... Combination of nurofen and codydamol and antibiotics .. Topped it up with more nurofen during the day and the antibiotics and pain is no more ;) yay!

Spent hours driving to Lincolnshire this afternoon evening .. The toilet stops number at least 5 and when you want a service spot they are 7 miles away !! Past the exit you need to take .. So the question was do I continue on the M1 to the service spot or risk not finding another one in time.. Oldest son needed a number 2 - so continued on to the service stop and missed my exit .. Therefore the rerouting took me another way adding an extra 40 mins to my driving time.. Good thing I was not in a hurry ;). We stopped at 3 or 4 more pubs - littlest kept saying he needed a poo too .. But turned out to just need to pee

Any way here now .. Boys excited and now will not sleep !

Ate rubbish most of the way, no WI tomorrow will WI on Wed/ Thursday morning as away visiting family, lucky have a cousin staying to feed cats while we are away!
It's weird not weighing in every morning .. Feels like I'm missing something lol
Finally got TOTM .. Few days late was panicking a wee bit .. If I had not got it today would have gone to pick up a test.. as I missed a day last month, was careful but... I'm just glad to get it :)
Didn't want to travel with totm but oh well can't see it finishing before Thursday! I'm sure it will be gone before we go to the beach .. Don't need to attract any sharks .. ;)

Take a look at this video on YouTube:
Just great my allergies are playing up and have runny nose, stuffed head.. Taking my hay fever tablets and nose spray and just hoping it clears more before Thursday .. Really not going to like flying like this !!
Diet wise have figured breakfast with the shake and aloe vera gel is going ok :)

It's the rest of the day I have to get sorted!

My acupuncture appt was yesterday morning and I had my shake before and def was not craving stuff and not as hungry .. So that sorts that out!!

Going to WI tomorrow before we go on holiday and then see the damage when we get back!!

My thoughts on holiday are to avoid bread, which will be hard, but the hardest will be to say no to the wheat based sweet deserts my OHs family make to say welcome .. I will prob have a little bit just so not to offend and then explain that I'm avoiding wheat for Heath reasons. I will allow myself potatoes and rice but stay away from pasta... Hope to be doing lots of walking and swimming :)
It's not normally this bad - but spent the weekend in Lincolnshire and didn't take my hay fever tablets - and all the fields are in flower ..., So not my local area ..
Wonderful I have a chest infection .. Coughing up green stuff! Need doc appt today - I'm sneezing, coughing and feel like rubbish ! My inhalers are all out of date, and I think doc will give me steroids to sort me out as already taking antibiotics for my tooth infection... Just what I need!