Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

I exploded a potato in the oven .. Weird .. Never happened to me before .. So all change for dinner.. As I have to scrub the oven was going to do hairy dieters lamb tagine .. So instead it's a takeaway .. Indian - I'm just not having the rice or naan - ordered sag paneer and lamb jalfazi and a tikka masala, plus chickpeas ..

Wi today is a sts from last week .. Can't see a loss happening if I eat Indian tonight .. But I'm happy that I'm loosing inches/ mm off my bellies :)
Ok gain this morning from the Indian .., even tho I've Been to the loo 3-4 times because of the chilli lol .. Going to take my sts from yesterday :)
Been doing this eating patten for 3 weeks now .. Not lost any weight, but my belly is smaller.,, my size 16 clothes are not so tight. That's a positive :) BUT! I want my weight to come down too..

I can do this way of eating but need to be more strict kcal wise, or fast for longer .. Which is perhaps the same thing .. I still have some shake mix left might try a shake for one meal.

So fasting till lunch time - tick can do!
Fasting till 5pm um.. Nope .. But could do if I had a shake at lunch time.. No harm in trying :)

So fast till lunch, have a shake and a 500 - 600 kcal meal .. Going to this next week.
Went to kettlercise class this morning - HRM 531 kcals and did it n a fasted state. Was def ok and felt good afterwards ..

Then spent a mind numbing 2 hours in the supermarket - the fridge and cupboards were bare ! Got littlest son a mini fillet burger from KFC and I had some too. Figured we wouldn't last till after supermarket to eat! No chips at least :)

Just had some veg and pan seared chicken breast feeling more humane now :) plenty good foods in the house now ! No excuses now ;)
Unofficial WI today, 92.4kg .. So as of today I've lost a 1kg .. So as long as I don't Stab myself in the back, leg or arm I'm looking good for WI tomorrow :)

Not done as much exercise this week as I've been a bit low energy wise after kettlercise.. Also my body had ached something horrid lol

I have been walking round the block every morning after dropping kids at school so have managed to increase my daily steps to 8k a day (was at only 6k) so assuming that's been helping too.

Also my levels of how hungry I am are better. It's been about a month now since I started skipping meals (IF fasting)
Official WI loss of 1.1kg (92.2kg) yay .. it will continue downwards, I just need to stick to what I'm doing :)
Well done Hun, good luck for another good week x
I've been to my kettlercise class this morning - was a hard one! HRM says 559 kcals and my max heart rate 215! My Ave heart rate was 136 so I'm ok with that ..

Scales up 500g this morning, but have had 2 days of eating more, plus a few more carbs too, back to it today :)
I'm sick!! :( my oldest son has given me his cold! Feel like crap!

Hot lemon and ginger tea, fennel tea, black currant jam and vinegar with hot water... Repeat!
I decided to get my hair analysed and just got the results back ..

Gluten - need to avoid! So am right lol

These Other grains and foods need to be minimised -
Barley, oats. Rye, corn, rice ..
Goat and Sheep milk
Cows cheese
(Weird says cows milk is ok and sheep and goat cheese is ok .. )

Blackberries, raspberry, nectarine, lemons, plum, and bananas..

Kidney and soya bean

Bakers yeast, brewers yeast, sugar, malt, black olives ..

Cabbage, cucumber, mushrooms, runner beans, string beans, spinach..

Also let me know which vit and minerals I'm deficient in...
Zinc, and Folic Acid - will get some supplements.

Slight deficient in ..
Vit b1, b6, b12, vitC, vitD, vitE, boron, and selenium ..
Cough has gone to my chest .. Coughing up green stuff :( So looks like antibiotics for me .., need to see if doctor has any appts for this afternoon. My chest is tight asthma symptoms are back too .. Just want to go to bed now .. Dreams are free :)
Cough has gone to my chest .. Coughing up green stuff :( So looks like antibiotics for me .., need to see if doctor has any appts for this afternoon. My chest is tight asthma symptoms are back too .. Just want to go to bed now .. Dreams are free :)

Coughing green stuff isn't good, hope yo got in at the docs x
Yes saw the doctor .. Chest is clear at this stage .. Told to use my inhaler and if worse come back Monday.. So going to smear and baste myself in Vicks and drink loads water as feeling really hot, but don't have a temp .. Also my jaw is aching and down side of neck ..

WI tomorrow .. Let's see .. Not very hopeful what with using co-codrydamol which bungs me up and totm I will be lucky to sts
WI 200g up .. Better week next week :) let's hope this crappy cold goes soon!