Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Had an appointment with the midwife consultant yesterday .. My 3 month check up after the medical termination.

She was pleased that my periods had returned.
Shows that my fertility and hormones are settling down again.
I told her about the headaches, insomnia, sweating and hot flushes ... I was told Generally after having a baby they can last for upto 12 weeks (3 month).. For me in the last week or so the sweating and hot flushes are much less often - maybe once every 2 weeks .. I told her I had been taking sage and raspberry leaf tablets -consultant said was a good idea as they can help :)

We also chatted about how I couldn't believe how hungry I had been and that I've only just got a handle on my ability to control when and how much I eat.. She said it's actually normal .. Most new mums with babies don't notice as they are busy. But when there is late miscarriage/ medical termination your body still goes through the same patten ... Weird .. But nice to understand why it's been so hard to start dieting.

The consultant is also referring me to a dietitian and a Physio - the Physio as I have weak upper stomach muscles - which maybe part of the reason I still look so pregnant ?! The consultant said that the pregnancy hormones would have relaxed everything and I need to rebuild those muscles..

We also chatted about the emotional side of things; the funeral and how I'm coping .. I'm ok as seeing the baby afterwards helped give me closure and I was able to understand that I had made the right decision.

The consultant also mentioned that a very high percentage (94% - google source) of baby boys with trisomy 18 do not make it to full term.. I would have had to have a c-section at full term with a possible still birth. Also that the likely hood of it happening again would be rare.. I'm not sure if I want to try again .. But they have offered all assistance if I do with early testing at 10 weeks (CVS).

As I had only (ONLY lol) put on 2kg since the medical termination and have lost some of that in the last few weeks I just need to continue :)
15 stair push-ups this morning . 10 seconds hanging off pull up bar...
Lol stair push-ups are not so hard lol I can only do 1 full one on the floor due to my shoulder giving out ...
You're doing awesome Hun xx
15 stair push-ups
10 second hang off pull up bar
20 in assisted squats - knees cracking
No planks

Carbs 101g
Walked round the block at school x2
20 stair push-ups
20 squats with 4kg Kettlebell
10 second hang
Walked round the block at school x2 20 stair push-ups 20 squats with 4kg Kettlebell 10 second hang

Brilliant! I'd forgotten how many steps school drop off, walk from town to work & then both journey back again was, it's about 8000 steps. Then I walked to Zumba & back so huge steps today. Good to be in some sort of routine again isn't it x
I'm going to set my 1st goal of getting to 95kg by WI on 4th Oct.
I don't like setting goals .. But this is something I feel I can do.
WI today back down to 98.6kg 400g loss

Restart kettlercise on Monday .. Ouch!
Will continue with my stair push-ups, squats and hanging ( don't think I will ever get to actual pull ups lol)
Have increased my steps this week, as school is back.
WI today back down to 98.6kg 400g loss Restart kettlercise on Monday .. Ouch! Will continue with my stair push-ups, squats and hanging ( don't think I will ever get to actual pull ups lol) Have increased my steps this week, as school is back.

My steps are up too it's good being back in the school routine hey x
Have got my 1st kettlercise class tomorrow - since end of July .. Not looking forward to the achy legs .. I know I will enjoy the class BUT Ouch! :)