Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Have a fab day Hun... Big hugs x
Looks like he's sent you a little of the Australian sun to let you know he's at peace now and knows you're thinking about him.
Had a good day so far, walked into local town, few shops, lunch (mcDs) started walking home, stopped at park for 20 mins walked rest of way home walk meter say route was 10km time spent walking 2 hours and 26 mins. HRM said cals burnt 602.. Think we got our quota of vit D today :)
Mis-behave said:
Today I know is going to be crap!! Just found out my uncle in Australia has died, can't go to funeral , to expensive.. So feeling very sad :(

So sorry to hear your sad news. I know how hard it is not to be able to go to a funeral. Have your own special moment, light a candle, plant a rose bush, release a balloon. Anything that days goodbye in your way xx
I have been feeling really rubbish today, feeling like throwing up, my tummy is bubbling gurgling and rumbling at me, I have tried quite a few things to shut it up - feel generally unwell!! Have eaten way to much today mainly in the bread department seems to help me to stop feeling sick! Also have the worst gas from both ends - No tango
Have been stressing about my youngest sons temp most of night and all day today!! Couldn't get it to come down from 38.5 - 39.8 until just now! Am so relieved.. Am also feeling really tired..

Just ate 3 sausages - pork and apple.. I know I shouldn't have.. They were very yummy! Just couldn't stop.. Managed not to eat a choc biscuit... But was really tempted, was in my hand and I put it back.

Really feel I am struggling with what I am/ have been eating last mth, I know that I am feeling sad about all the people that have died recently that I have known! Really need to find my way back.. And stop using my feelings as an excuse to eat more!
Lots of us do turn to food honey, it's our natural reaction. I've never been one of these who went off her food when upset or stressed. You'll find it again. In the meantime buckle is being tightened on your wagon seat x
We all look for comfort when we've got stuff going on around us. If you're like me, that comfort comes from eating. We've all got to try out new ways of trying to lift our moods and get through the tough times. I don't know the answers, but I know people on here have been a help for me at times. My head tells me exercise and talking with friends makes me feel better at times, but my heart first reaches for the biscuits. Guess I need to retrain myself, guess alot of us do?
Have had a better day today, food has not gone too much over.. Is under 1600 at least :)

Still really tired, am going to bed at same time as kids tonight, still need to wake up every 3 hours to give youngest son his medicine to keep his temp down! Am assuming that virus will run the same 4 days as my oldest sons did. 2 days to go till all is well :)
Rachgleeson said:
oh hun i am so sorry your going through a bad time right now, sending hugs your way and hoping your little one is better soon. Life can be so hard at time, try to stay strong!!xx

Thanks for your kind words :)
Yay my 8kg kettle bell arrived - it def heavy!! See how I go tonight with using it with the DVD
Really like the DVD as is just like my class routine no 1. Can do whole routine with a 6kg in class.

tonight used the 8kg for all swings and a few of the rows, plus the high pulls, rest of arm work used my 4kg, which felt incredibly light lol

HRM says 435 cals same as last night, think I work harder in a class situation :) also I enjoy the class atmosphere, at home I'm just annoying the cat lol
Which DVD? I really like the sound of that. Especially as the classes found here aren't included in my gym membership and I don't fancy paying on top! X
Made a bad food choice today and had a real pizza for lunch.. Both my kids are sick, high temps, runny noses, cough, my oldest might have a mild form of Scarlett fever as has developed a rash all over upper body! Have been told keep away from school and public places - oh joy oh joy!! Until temp and rash gone :)

Off to do my kettlecise DVD :)
Mis-behave said:
Made a bad food choice today and had a real pizza for lunch.. Both my kids are sick, high temps, runny noses, cough, my oldest might have a mild form of Scarlett fever as has developed a rash all over upper body! Have been told keep away from school and public places - oh joy oh joy!! Until temp and rash gone :)

Off to do my kettlecise DVD :)

Ah hope they feel better soon. Is his face red as slap cheek is going the rounds & when my son had it his chest was red too. Hugs xx
Finished my kettlercise DVD gee I'm the one with the red face!! Worked bit harder tonight! HRM said 454 cals

Kids fast asleep temps normal at mo :)