Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Went to doc their scales say I am 84.5kgs to my ones that say 86.3kgs - so docs happy! Got another script too - just have to wait till their is some in stock!!

Makes me wonder if I took my scales down stairs in the kitchen if I would weigh less .. Lol might have to do it, just bc I'm curious lol

Back to kettlercise class on wed night OH back on normal hours! He said its ok you don't need to go now you have DVDs - me " you would have to give up the tv for at least an hour, can you do that???" he's thinking about it.. Lol!
Well done. Can only dream about being 13.5 stone at the moment xxx

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Mis-behave said:
Went to doc their scales say I am 84.5kgs to my ones that say 86.3kgs - so docs happy! Got another script too - just have to wait till their is some in stock!!

Makes me wonder if I took my scales down stairs in the kitchen if I would weigh less .. Lol might have to do it, just bc I'm curious lol

Back to kettlercise class on wed night OH back on normal hours! He said its ok you don't need to go now you have DVDs - me " you would have to give up the tv for at least an hour, can you do that???" he's thinking about it.. Lol!

Brilliant well done! I weigh in the hallway which is a wooden floor x
Food been ok today :) little bit over but avoided eating rice with my con carne had loads salad..

Shopping came today ordered alpen no sugar - had a bowl for lunch to try was nice.. Didn't really notice the difference - I used to have alpen original. Also ordered pumpkin seeds and pecans, sun flower seeds, and pine nuts to have in my salads and for snacks :)

Not sure what to do with my ready meals..
Ok been eating almonds since sat and have not had any side effects!! No orange in the toilet.. Most I had in a day was 20..

Also now a week since I have started taking fish OIL supplements with breakfast (no xen with breakfast) no issues with tablets .. Jury still out on creaky knees :)
OH tried to watch football but was falling asleep.. I said so are you going to watch me do DVD or goto bed?? He went to bed! Just did 20 express and then did 50 min full body work out.. HRM said 160 for 20 min, and 450 for 50 min one.. So feel very hot and sweaty!!

Going to go to class tomorrow :) will be more fun, people to chat to in person :) and I push myself harder!

Day 3 of new food plan of low fat, good fats, mod GI over - think I did ok :)
you really sound in the zone right now hun, wish i was lol!! I tried some tablets once, multi vit ones, but they didnt work well with the xenical, i am sure i dont need t explain lol!! I would love to work a few nuts into this, as i enjoy them and find i wont eat to many as they make me dry :)
When I started the fish oil I took in evening at same time as a xen tablet!! I truly was not engaging my brain!! Had horrible stomach issues, pain, gas, all night and next day then Mr T let me have it!!

Decided that as they are good for my joints I would try again by having in morning without xen tablet. No issues with doing it that way!

I have been having 5 natural almonds as mid morning snack and another 5-8 between lunch and dinner.. Normally an hour or 2 after having xen tablet. No issues with almonds.. Peanuts now that is a whole other story, have issues with peanuts and Mr T!!
Going to kettlercise class tonight.. Taking my 8 kg and will use the 6kg for any I can't do with the 8kg.. Feeling positive about my exercise and really enjoying it and seeing the results.. My jacket is now not as tight over my stomach area and my muffin top is reduced :) apart from every thing else!!

Also day 5 of mod carb intake.. Really not hungry like I used to be! Energy levels feel better.. That dark ichy feeling in the back of my head (inside) is disappearing too! Have not been craving diet coke as much either..
That is brilliant! As I said I am a firm convert to protein filling me more than carbs, was always a carbmonkey but I know now that it doesn't work for me x
Completed my kettlercise class 55 mins with 8kg and 6kg def worked hard! HRM 517 kcals

Also 1st night I am using L-8 Lean Burn powder, a protein shake, am going to use it after I do my kettlercise workouts! Is low is carbs too.
Lexie2005 said:
That is brilliant! As I said I am a firm convert to protein filling me more than carbs, was always a carbmonkey but I know now that it doesn't work for me x

I agree, and am seeing results as my weight is now dropping again, which it has not been for last mth!!

Also making my kids eat fruit, almonds and pecans as snacks rather than crisps and crackers after school.. They are a bit reluctant, but will learn, that nuts and fruit are healthy options :) mummy says so!!!!
Mis-behave said:
Completed my kettlercise class 55 mins with 8kg and 6kg def worked hard! HRM 517 kcals

Also 1st night I am using L-8 Lean Burn powder, a protein shake, am going to use it after I do my kettlercise workouts! Is low in carbs too.

My upper back and shoulders ache today!! Legs are fine.. So walking to school this morning..

Have a mild head ache too.. Not sure if related to lack of carbs/ sugary stuff or not.. Had it yesterday too
Just walked/ jogged son1 to school and then walked into town and then home again 1 hour 55 mins HRM 690 kcals
Am more thirsty today have drunk 3L already and still can drink more.. Am assuming its the low/mod carb levels..

Must remember to diet successfully you need to plain ahead!! Went to see doc about an old shoulder injury and then was sent for an x-ray to a walk in clinic - was quick really as no que BUT was lunch time!! Cafe was all scones and hot drinks, bake potatoes and stuff .. No good for me.. So back in car and home.. Was going to have chook salad.. Didn't make it.. Had oatcakes and pâté (weak moment in suppermarket) plus some chicken - no salad... Not sure how pâté and xen go together :)
Day 6 low/mod carbs have had a bit of a mild headache all day, also very thirsty drank 3x1.5L today so 4.5L plus 150ml diet coke and a 33ml water bottle .. Headache gone now!

Have gone over food cals today due to bad planning at lunch time..

Walked /jogged into sons school, and town and home again, plus kettlercise feeling so much fitter!!
My body aches today! Think it trying to tell me "your 38, not 28.. Slow down!". No kettlercise tonight (at this stage..)

Walking/ jogging to school again today.. Teachers said my son was better behaved yesterday.. So maybe he needs exercising before school to get the fidgets out of him lol!!
Just drank 1L water cause I was thirsty.. Before breakfast!! Crazy much..
Just realised that when I walk/ jog my son to school round trip is 3.7 miles.. Took 1 hour 15 including brief stop in post office, HRM says 565 kcals burnt off.. Kats walking app told me the distance, and cals burnt 558 so not that far off my HRM :)