Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

No oldest sons face is not red, he's had slap cheek few years ago.
Yay my kettlercise vol II just arrived making my kids watch how to do the exercises lol :D
Hi there

I'm saving up my pennies to invest in a kettlebell and have been googling workout dvd's and I like the look of the kettlercise for women (double dvd) it comes with a 4kg kettlebell too!

I asked on the kettlebell forum if anyone can rate it and I was pointed in your direction :) I've had a quick read of your diary and it seems its ok?

Going to be a few weeks b4 i've got the money together as OH lost his job but want to make sure its worth the money!

Your input would be much appreciated x
Trash said:
Hi there

I'm saving up my pennies to invest in a kettlebell and have been googling workout dvd's and I like the look of the kettlercise for women (double dvd) it comes with a 4kg kettlebell too!

I asked on the kettlebell forum if anyone can rate it and I was pointed in your direction :) I've had a quick read of your diary and it seems its ok?

Going to be a few weeks b4 i've got the money together as OH lost his job but want to make sure its worth the money!

Your input would be much appreciated x

I really like the way the DVD is set out, and the full body work out def makes you sweat! I also like it because it is very much the same sort of style I do in my evening class, which is run by a qualified kettlercise instructor, it is her program 1 workout. I have just got the vol II DVD which is 1/2 price this week :) and it is her program 2 workout with a few harder moves, will def make me work harder! I like the kettlecise kettle bells mainly because they are a good shape. They are covered in neoprene which means they won't damage the floor. I also like that they go up 4,6,8kgs etc so as you become fitter you can move up through the weights!

Go for it! :)
My new eating plan is to eat more protein, and reduce my potato, rice, pasta and bread, consumption. Also sugary carbs like low fat cakes etc... And replace with nuts/ seeds like almonds and pumpkin seeds.. Xen doesn't seem to react to the almonds when I eat them. :) going to try this for all of march starting today!!
Did express workout tonight.. Shower and bed for me! Kids asleep temps all good :)
Did a sneaky WI this morning.. Down by 300g have been creeping back towards 87kgs which is what I was last doc WI, hoping by Tuesday I will be back at 87kgs I think the increased exercise classes, increased weights, plus being more hungry and then eating loads carbs hasn't helped!

Hoping that by reducing the carbs makes a difference, have ordered some different nuts and seeds to try from the suppermarket as snacks, also going to get my kids to eat more nuts (not peanuts) interestingly didn't know peanuts were a legume not a 'real' nut!

Was chatting to my mum, and our diet when we were kids (up to about 10/11) we had eggs ( had chickens) bacon, tomatoes for breakfast most morning.. And a roast for dinner, stew/ casserole- chicken was expensive so we didn't have it very often. Was mainly red meat or fish we didn't eat much pasta, or bread, - it was mainly new potatoes out of the garden we lived in the country and had a big veggie patch! Def no takeaways... If we ate out it was Chinese snacks were nuts, seeds and fruit, or home baking. No crisps, not much choc or sweets.

Funny how things change :)
Saw on mfp you had tried the protein for breakfast thing yesterday, did it help? Looking at your diet as a child it looks as though thats what your mum did, lots of protein & good fats.

Do you not find nuts a no-no with xen, they are really high in fat x
Lexie2005 said:
Saw on mfp you had tried the protein for breakfast thing yesterday, did it help? Looking at your diet as a child it looks as though thats what your mum did, lots of protein & good fats.

Do you not find nuts a no-no with xen, they are really high in fat x

It really helped, and having the nuts as a snack helped too! I also didn't get the urge to curl up and go to sleep like I normally do..

I have not had issues with almonds and xen, or even peanuts don't do anything either.

I think if I stick to 1 slice toast in the morning and rest of day no more bread. Pasta I don't eat much of anyway so will just avoid. Potatoes I like but only with dinner, so will avoid it and change to a few new potatoes (lower GI than old pototoes) , sweet potato and squash. Rice I think I will have but only 100g have more spag Bol/ stew or chilli con carne mix so higher protein less carb.

I'm going to try this type of carb reduction till end of march and see how I feel! Be interesting to see if it will help shift my belly fat!!
Today I was looking through my cook books and found a small one I had as a kid which had a muffin recipe which is low fat and low in sugar.. Made it for my kids and they like them so will make them for my son's school lunch, much better than the fairy cakes from the shop! Less rubbish in them.
Ok just should have looked at them and not tasted! Ate 2 2 many!
It really helped, and having the nuts as a snack helped too! I also didn't get the urge to curl up and go to sleep like I normally do..

I have not had issues with almonds and xen, or even peanuts don't do anything either.

I think if I stick to 1 slice toast in the morning and rest of day no more bread. Pasta I don't eat much of anyway so will just avoid. Potatoes I like but only with dinner, so will avoid it and change to a few new potatoes (lower GI than old pototoes) , sweet potato and squash. Rice I think I will have but only 100g have more spag Bol/ stew or chilli con carne mix so higher protein less carb.

I'm going to try this type of carb reduction till end of march and see how I feel! Be interesting to see if it will help shift my belly fat!!

Briliant! I reckon more protein less carb stops me bloating & as I say makes me fuller. Keep us updated with how you are getting on x
Yawn! I have been ironing and dancing my way through various Latin tunes and just have my clothes left to iron.. Had been "saving" my sheets up to iron - Plus my OH clothes lol

I think I have been ironing for 3-4 hours my iron has gone through a litre of water..
OMGosh my OHs jeans fit me!!! Size 36, his 34s still bit more to go!!

I have finally had a loss - WI today says 86.8kgs (191.3lbs) a loss of .9 kgs..

REAL WI is tomorrow at the docs... So may update again.. Lol

Am liking the definition that is starting to appear in my shoulders and tops of my arms.. The bingo wings are smaller BUT still there!
I must put nuts in my car/ bag for when I get hungry! Made a ww pizza.. Ate 1/4 of it decided it was yuck!! Binned it.. Kids had KFC.. Avoided hot chips (yay) but ended up eating chicken breast.. Couldn't wait till I made a salad.. So had rubbish lunch!
Going to do my Kettlercise Vol II DVD full body work out tonight.

My day was pretty good in total, could be better.. ate no potatoes, only had small bit basmati rice (med GI food) when tasting youngest sons dinner.

Found the kindle version of the Collins gem GI food list - I have the amazon kindle in my iPhone - is very detailed, going to avoid rice cakes as high GI and switch to oatcakes which are med GI And can be converted to low GI with added ham, egg etc.. So could be ok for lunch some times :)

My low sugar/ fat muffins are med GI by my reckoning.. Bc of amounts of butter, egg and milk in mixture.
Just finished the kettlercise vol2 full body program 50 mins and then did the 8 min ab program total 60 mins HRM says 469 cals

Sweat was dripping down my face and back of my shirt is damp.. My arms are warm and tingly down the backs.. The cat almost got knocked for 6 at one stage.. Very good work out!
Official WI day at doc - am 86.3kgs (190.2lbs) 13.5 st

Feel great about this as I have being trying to loose the same 1 kg all mth.. But have managed it finally and also dropped an extra 700g
Mis-behave said:
Official WI day at doc - am 86.3kgs (190.2lbs) 13.5 st

Feel great about this as I have being trying to loose the same 1 kg all mth.. But have managed it finally and also dropped an extra 700g

Well done honey! Such an achievement x