Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Ahhh just cooked oven chips and garlic bread plus lamb chops for kids for dinner.. I really want to eat the garlic bread!!! Am resisting.. But have eaten lamb instead.. Gong to have my dinner now, instead of later willpower is low.. :(
I'm loving that app , it's brilliant :)

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toofatkat said:
I'm loving that app , it's brilliant :)

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Was impressed how accurate it is! Compared to my HRM :)
Walkmeter green with white shoe on it.. Used it 3 times now :) Kat has it and I'm sure uses all The time!
Well one week since started eating mod/low carbs.. Not so hungry.. Headache gone now.. Water back to 3L a day.. Feel less tired in my head!

Am really proud of myself "I did not have any garlic bread or oven chips last night" not one.. OH gave me BIG hug as a well done lol! Had early night and no kettlercise last night think my body appreciated it lol
Oh I love my OH but sometimes he doesn't really help.. He came home with some wafers with lemon and orange inside 5.7g fat per 100g and just said try this .. Popped it in my mouth.. Crap have been trying hard all evening not to eat them, had nuts, yogurts, water.. Had the taste in my mouth.. Didn't work!! Just eaten loads of them.. They are size of my little finger.. SIGH he had checked the fat content for me!! But forgot I have been trying not to eat carbs! Binge over....

After kids in bed will do Vol1 20 min express workout, vol2 22 min express work out followed by 50 min full body program of kettlercise.. Let's hope that cancels out the crap I have eaten this afternoon!!!!

Tomorrow I have lunch at my sister in laws.. Let's hope I can stick to my new rules :)
Mis-behave said:
Oh I love my OH but sometimes he doesn't really help.. He came home with some wafers with lemon and orange inside 5.7g fat per 100g and just said try this .. Popped it in my mouth.. Crap have been trying hard all evening not to eat them, had nuts, yogurts, water.. Had the taste in my mouth.. Didn't work!! Just eaten loads of them.. They are size of my little finger.. SIGH he had checked the fat content for me!! But forgot I have been trying not to eat carbs! Binge over....

After kids in bed will do Vol1 20 min express workout, vol2 22 min express work out followed by 50 min full body program of kettlercise.. Let's hope that cancels out the crap I have eaten this afternoon!!!!

Tomorrow I have lunch at my sister in laws.. Let's hope I can stick to my new rules :)

You've had a really successful week with the carb thing, you've proved you can do it now don't let some silly bloody finger sized wafers break you. I reckon hubby was probably really proud of himself & probably didn't think of them as carbs & I also think its hard cos I know my reward for anything was always food so now we don't do that just takes those around us a while to grasp that x
Lexie2005 said:
You've had a really successful week with the carb thing, you've proved you can do it now don't let some silly bloody finger sized wafers break you. I reckon hubby was probably really proud of himself & probably didn't think of them as carbs & I also think its hard cos I know my reward for anything was always food so now we don't do that just takes those around us a while to grasp that x

Yeah he was proud of himself :) trying to do something nice for me :) I think I ended up bingeing because I tried to not eat them, after that 1st taste.. Recon I should have just allowed myself 2 and then I would have been done with it!! Ended up eating other stuff to compensate which didn't work.. Love the taste of lemon yogurts, pies etc and these taste like little lemon wafer pies

Feel bloated.. and icky..
Today I knew would be hard, lunch at my sister in laws- Indian food ordered managed to do ok(ish) didn't have rice or naan had chickpeas and a wholemeal roti, bit of dhal and some tandoori meats.. Sweet was low fat baklava

Dinner was meant to be leftovers etc from homemade beans last night.. But not to be had some friends come round late afternoon - Chinese for dinner had noodle soup with ho fun rice noodles.. Day was not a complete write off but close :)!

Also has 3 M&S dark choc sweets ..

Tomorrow back to normal.. Kettlercise in morning (hope my wee son is ok with me leaving him there) and Zumba in evening.. Food back to mod carbs and low/good fats :)
Did my kettlercise class this morning :) all good
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Come home and doc calls to say.. Sorry but your shoulder may need an operation as your old shoulder injury looks really bad and you need to be careful with it!! Bah!! Hum bug!! It doesn't hurt just aches... Scared now :(
Sorry I've only just seen this - I dont really know what you did to your shoulder in the first place?!

Did the doc seem positive seems odd theyd do an op if all is well hmm

Good luck with it all though! X
I broke and dislocated it when I was 11.. Bit since loosing the weight off my shoulder recently noticed it clicking more and could see the bones moving under the skin.. Looks bit weird and feels even stranger lol
Oh ok - so hopefully the op will fix if then?! How does the kettle bell stuff feel with it?! X
Is a bit achey but generally ok! Will reduce the weight I'm using with that arm back to a 2 or a 4kg and continue with classes as not sure when I will see a specialist.. And the stronger the muscles before the better recovery time :) that's the theory!!