Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

I think we're a good group regardless. We just sit here. Not many of us are actually using xen any more bit I don't care I like the support on here

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Lost 0.7 kgs (1.5lbs) this week, am now at a new low weight of 83.5kg (184 lbs) really happy!
Have lost 2.5 kg in the last 3 weeks, to meet my target of 4kgs by end of October need to loose another 1.5 kgs.

Had a chat to my brother who's naturally lean, and he doesn't eat cakes, candy bars, sweet stuff, doesn't eat until he's hungry in the morning 10am (ish) eats mainly potatoes, not much rice or pasta - also eats smaller portions and eats plenty meats, nuts and veg.. Where did I go wrong .. Lol

Will continue with my eating plan of low/mod carb, and good fats, lean meats and LF/mod dairy intake.

Was reading that eating a low carb/ low fat high protein diet doesn't work as well, as a low carb/ mod/high fat and mod protein diet. Which might explain why my losses in the last few weeks have been a bit slower. As I am now not taking the xenical tablets I have increased my good fat intake so will see how my next WI goes.
Portions should be 40% protein 30% fats 30% carbs

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Made a yummy lunch, courgette spag, garlic, roast chicken and yogurt!
Do you know there's gonna be so many pictures of veg spaghetti on here in the new year :)

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Lol I was telling my mum about it and yup you guessed it wants one for Xmas :)
Ok having a day of high carbs today - have a birthday dinner to go to later and have ordered pizza for lunch ..
Had 4.5 bits of pizza - should do me for a good mth or two. I do miss pizza lol

Had a few starters at chiquitos - chicken wing bits x2, 2 x breaded onion rings, corn chips and dip, one potato chip, tiny bit of corn- like 1"
Main; goat cheese and sweet potato with grilled chicken. Was good enjoyed a lot. Avoided the wraps and chips :)
Had a bit of cake, but a small piece and didn't eat it all.

Was a good evening, kids were ok (ish)
Back to it this morning.. Had a nice breakfast 2 egg omelette with little bit light feta (15g), tomatoes, mushrooms done in little bit almond oil and touch butter. Plus 2 gluten free black farmers sausages.
Am stuffed.. But after eating the pizza and the bits yesterday.. I have a little niggly feeling like I want something - just a little something but not sure what feeling lol - I will not give in to it tho as that is the slippery path to nowhere good :)
Mis-behave said:
Back to it this morning.. Had a nice breakfast 2 egg omelette with little bit light feta (15g), tomatoes, mushrooms done in little bit almond oil and touch butter. Plus 2 gluten free black farmers sausages.
Am stuffed.. But after eating the pizza and the bits yesterday.. I have a little niggly feeling like I want something - just a little something but not sure what feeling lol - I will not give in to it tho as that is the slippery path to nowhere good :)

Resist the temptation hunni :) x x

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Are you coming up to see your grandma in metheringham around Christmas? I thought you Lexie and I could get together for a lunch and coffee-diet friendly if you are..

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I would like to.. Will have to talk to my OH and see if he's either able to drive me up as I'm prob still not able to drive .. Or if I take the train and stay a few days with Kids - but still no car :)
Sounds like a plan

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