Gold Member
oh no, hope your not getting one of these bugs that re going around 
Mis-behave said:My pavlova tasted great!! and 2nd lot of cakes were well received by family
Pavlova with fruit and whipped cream
Chocolate hazelnut cheesecake
Choc quinoa birthday cake
All yummy!
Mis-behave said:My legs are a bit stiff from kettlercise class - and am feeling tired, hot shower and bed once kids asleep!
School run: 4km - used bus to school and walked home. Paused HRM while on bus.
9:18 hours HRM 2687cals max heart rate 176 during kettlercise class
Mis-behave said:Oh boy forgot how much kettlebell class makes me ache, and I only did 1/2 the class lol .. It aches to sit down, stairs are not good, bending forget it! Have not been to class since beginning of July.. So that's a good 3 months .. But I know that it stops hurting once the muscles get used to it.. So next Mondays class I should be better afterwards(oh I just hope so )
Mis-behave said:Oh boy forgot how much kettlebell class makes me ache, and I only did 1/2 the class lol .. It aches to sit down, stairs are not good, bending forget it! Have not been to class since beginning of July.. So that's a good 3 months .. But I know that it stops hurting once the muscles get used to it.. So next Mondays class I should be better afterwards(oh I just hope so )