Men Doing Slimming World

Doing pretty well, despite having a cider filled summer! Still hovering around the 14st mark...some weeks over, some weeks under.

Need to push on now to drop another half a stone before Xmas, ideally get down to around the 13st level if I can. Have cut out all beer, cider and wine. Have a very occasional gin and slim, but that's it on the alcohol front now. Bit of a shock to the system!

Well done guys - you're all doing brilliantly. Have to say, it is a great help knowing that there are more of us out there...we are not alone!!!
Still going strong, twenty eight consecutive weeks of losses. Hopefully I can knock out another month of good losses and i'll be where I want to be. I think I am starting to annoy the rest of my class now. Apart from winning slimmer of the week for more than half of the classes I attend, from winning slimmer of the month for every single month since I joined, it's the continual losses, and doing it with what appears to be little effort. I think the daggers are there....
Hi to all the chaps here, I just had my 12 weight in with 11 consecutive losses and have lost 3lb short of 3 stone , but have a long way to go still, find it quite easy to follow and really enjoying my home cooked food ! Was very nerve racking joining at first with so many ladies but it was no problem once there,

Just hope I keep my motivation !!!
Hi to all the chaps here, I just had my 12 weight in with 11 consecutive losses and have lost 3lb short of 3 stone , but have a long way to go still, find it quite easy to follow and really enjoying my home cooked food ! Was very nerve racking joining at first with so many ladies but it was no problem once there,

Just hope I keep my motivation !!!

That sounds very familiar :)
hi craig notice one your twitter site you like a few beers lol how does that work on SW as i like a few too lol any tips welcome

Cheers Neil
Well i used to like a few beers haha, well more than a few lol i dont drink much now to be honest although i did go away 2 weeks ago with the darts and i was drinking all day for 2 days and lost 3.5lbs. I just take it steady now have a few pints of lager to start with then go onto vodka and diet coke. I find so long as i dont slip with the food i can get away with having a good few beers every now and again (about once every 6 weeks) when i went away the other week i made some chicken tikka kebabs and cheesy scones with chilliflake burgers (used the scones as my cobs) and a few bags of fruit (although i dont each much fruit but its easier when you go away) and in the hotel it was a buffet style breakfast so had a plate full of bacon, scrambled eggs, beans, mushrooms and toms to start the day off well. On the second night we went to a witherspoons and i had a skinny chicken burger (which must have been 400-450cals max) with loads of salad.

I would say its just a matter of making the right choices with your food when drinking, if you eat out most menus have lower calorie options and if i just go to the local i make something in advance to eat when i get in.

I do still go out a fair bit with the darts but dont drink. I always drive to make sure i dont slip off the wagon haha.
heifer said:
first week weigh in and lost 4lbs

Hope you don't mind me crashing this thread but just wanted to say well done heifer, you obviously got it right after your posts last week. Bet you're chuffed. Great loss. Wonder if it helps you trust the plan so that you don't feel you have to calculate calories, carbs etc.
So basically you have lost 12.5 stone in 9 months, that is worthy of a documentary on channel 4 mate. How on earth did you do it.

This is going to sound sad but i have uploaded the you tube clip in my sig to my ipod and i put it on repeat at the gym.

When i am possibly about to cheat i say it over and over in my head or i go onto you tube and watch motivation clips.

It really helps i find
I wish i had video'ed everything ive done haha could make my own dvd.

Basically all ive done is follow what ive been told at slimming world 100% and i exercise like mad. With the exercise i just started slowly about 5 mins a day and im now upto 20+ hours a week. Exercise wise ive found what works for me is exercise bike and weight lifting. I make sure every day as soon as i wake up i do 15 mins on the bike just to get the metabolism going for the day and then after work i do some more. With the weights i dont lift massive weights i just make sure the form of the movements is correct and concentrate on the negative of movement as much as the positive (which most people dont do) and i do 2 body parts each time i train (chest/triceps-back/biceps-legs/shoulders) and i lift weights upto 6 times a week. I do 3 exercises per body part and have 2 different sets of exercises per bodypart so i dont repeat the same exercises in the same week (if that makes sense)

Also i dont go to the gym i do everything from home. I can utilise my time better, it probably saves me 30+ minutes a day not going to a gym.