I guess I need to sit down and have a think about this. Why is it - that all of a sudden, in the last week and a half - it has been excruciatingly hard to control my behaviour? And I do mean - to the point that I cannot actually stop myself from going and 'secret eating' in the kitchen. Like I can't seem to feel full up at all. ... That hasn't been such a major problem before - I mean, it was HARD, but I was ABLE to CONTROL myself and choose NOT TO go and eat. ... now I seem to can't say no? ...


... It makes me confused, and a little angry, and a bit guilty, and a bit confused (yes even more so).
I am very much trying to keep a level head - at the moment I am living with my partner's parents in their house - so all my previous routines, rules and habits what-not have been broken. Of course I have rebuilt a few boundaries - and I TRY to keep to them...
I have to think about this rationally.
Why is it that I can't seem to satisfy my hunger lately?
I am being rushed at meal-times. ... simple, but true. I have to eat much more quickly - so
I don't get to enjoy my food and take my time to eat it as I did previously at home. ... I can't eat with my chopsticks here and I can't take more than 15 minutes eating (when previously I'd take about 45 minutes to enjoy and get the SATISFACTION). ... instead I feel quite FLUSTERED and RUSHED... and I have noticed this before - if I am rushed or stressed to hurry up when I eat (especially in restaurants) - I start to hoover everything up in my way because I can't get the satisfaction from it. --- It's like I keep chasing the NEED to feel emotionally full the whole time - which I normally get by taking a very long time eating my meal.
This issue will get resolved once I move out of here - so I can slowly get back into unrushed food enjoyment again.
Lots of tempting snacks on the back of chasing satisfaction. ... lots of snacky food - sweets, cheese, meat, crisps, nuts, seeds, bread (my weakness...), muesli is in my way of chasing satisfaction. Doesn't help that the house is full of them. Yes, I should be able to control myself - and I try. I try so very hard. When I find myself in the biscuit tin - I try to limit the damage by saying - "one more and then put the rest away". ... now then, how often that tactic works is another question entirely ...
Water weight and physical/chemical awakening. ... This may sound silly... But I guess I have a theory about this. Up until now I haven't actually HAD any WATER WEIGHT. I know this because after every (small calorie) meal I'd run out of energy very, very quickly - go quite light headed and lethargic within about 2-3 hours of eating. Water weight is what gives us the energy to be able to function when we can't eat at regular intervals; it's stored energy for times when we can't feed ourselves etc. So it's something we actually SHOULD have.
But on the back of this - because I was functioning outside of the water-weight energy stores; I suppose my body was always dipping into the 'starvation mode' energy depletion stages - which as we know -
decreases hunger. ... So now that I am GAINING some water weight back - my body is WAKING UP from the 'starvation mode' and chemically - my body is shouting for more food to go back to it's
natural state which is ... well, lets say - not at my current BMI! My body chemically is craving to get back some energy stores, because my body is predisposed to be a 'storer' for 'famine times'.
Invincibility Mode - misguided conception that I won't gain no matter how much I eat. ... Sounds stupid - but it's true. For some reason, somewhere, my brain is convinced that I will not gain weight if I eat too much cake. I've had a few nights/days when I'd overeaten completely, and not gained weight. Or if I had - after a careful day or two it would drop back down to whatever it was. ... So a smal yo-yo of the waterweight... and this in turn has made my brain believe that I can keep on overeating and nothing will happen. ... Which is very retarded - I know. I have to keep reminding my brain that it's not how it works - especially with the way my body is chemically contructed; I put away fat stores very easily due to my genetic make-up.
Justification in excuses. - I keep justifying my binge days with the notion that I "need" to gain some weight. While it is true, I do need to put on some weight because I'm unhappy being so close to the BMI marker of the underweight category - at the same time I can't use that as an excuse for UNHEALTHY binges. I need to find a way to doing this sensibly. ... but I do keep justifying my behaviour (bad behaviour) that once I move out of this house with some added weight - I will be able to maintain it in my new house because there won't be all the temptation around and I will be able to get back MY OWN ROUTINE and MY OWN RULES.
A part of me wants to let myself go a little bit while I'm here and give in to the pressures from my boyfriend and the family here 'to eat more' because 'I'm so thin' blah blah blah... Getting told that so often makes me binge just to shut them up. Like - overeating a shove in their face; and to punish myself in the process.
I guess, I needed to vent a bit and try to explore as to why I can't seem to control myself lately. I do try to fight this - but on certain nights it's so much harder not to find myself in the kitchen, eating spoonfuls of muesli out of the packet. ... What a sad place to be.