...we're sinking deeper.
Today is ... Controlled Binge Day - last of the series.
Funny to say this. Yes. It is an allowed binge day. The last official one. If I allow it to happen in a controlled manner - the damage is not going to be so bad. I go into it with a clean conscience with the aim of exploration of my own feelings to each food.
I took the opportunity today to browse shops for things I "craved" to taste, to have, to have a go at eating again (after 2+ years of not having)... to see if I remember them being the same. To see if I still actually LIKE them and to see if the craving is warranted.
I wanted to see what I actually ENJOY having and to break craving for something that I REMEMBER WRONGLY. Plus after Lighter Life, my tastes have actually CHANGED also - which is another factor that I need to consider.
These controlled binge days are dedicated to mostly saying 'goodbyes' to foods which I USED to like, USED to depend on. To desperse the myth that they are "nice" - I needed to revisit each one seperately (chocolate, sweet bakery, savoury bakery, salty, etc.) and put an end to yearning old memories.
I've already had my chocolate binge day; and bread day. I have also had my nut/savoury snacks day (had cravings for peanuts for AGES for some reason?)... Now I am satisfied, and I no longer want stodgy nasty savoury snacks - they made my tummy space feel awful! And peanuts - I have discovered are fine. A handful of them and I'm happy, so they are not problematic. Nuts are a nice snack in general, healthy, and I'm unlikely to binge on them at all. They have a natural stopping point. After my chocolate binge day (which you'd be disgusted to know how much chocolate I managed to put away!) - I no longer want any more. It just doesn't appeal to me AT ALL...! Same with bread - while I know I have a problem with freshly baked white bread - as long as I don't start touching it; it's fine. I can leave it alone.
So, today I bought a whole bunch of things; mostly sweet things: I'd been craving sh**ty things like doghnuts, and cream slices (you know the ones in the fresh cake section?), and blueberry oat cookies, and stuff like that. Today was dedicated to saying GOODBYE to cookies, cakes and other baked sweet goods.
Thing is - today, while yes, theoretically wasn't a good day food wise (way too much "bad" food!) - but I was RE-LEARNING something VITAL. It was, the ability to STOP when I wasn't enjoying it.
For example. I was craving doughnuts. So I bought a pack of 6 custard doughnuts from Asda (70p??!?), had a mouthful of ONE doughnut. Instantly I knew I didn't like it. The craving was absolutely unfounded, I remember it being different. The image does not support the doughnut's blandness and fatiness. I threw the rest of the doughnuts away along with the rest of the 1 that I had started. problem solved. I now KNOW 100% that doughnuts are disgusting, and I will never want another one again - because they don't taste good at all. - That way I am not depriving myself by avoiding them forever because they're "bad". Nothing is truly bad. I just now know that I don't like them - so there's no point in "avoiding" them anymore.
Same thing happened to the 'cream slice'. The cream is disgusting; and the icing on top - while is nice; it's nothing special. I had one, threw the other one away. I now know that my craving for 'cream cakes' is absolutely unfounded too. They're bland and boring.
Same with cookies - I'd been walking around M&S Blueberry and Oat cookies for months! I had one and I was ... very disappointed. Same with this flapjack I'm trying now... I used to LOVE oat flapjacks... but this is too sweet and sticky. I don't want the rest - in the bin it goes.
I'm better making my own with a little bit of honey (not too much!) and lots of nuts and seeds and natural goodness. Mmm.
I was trying to exlore the things that I DO LIKE also - and in the end I found that I like banana chips (http://www.ethicalsuperstore.com/products/tropical-wholefoods/chewy-banana-chips-200g ) Absolutely delicious! No added sugar in them as well (which is rare with banana chips!)
After quite a lot of exploration of chocolate, sweets, cakes, cookies, bread, savoury snacks.... I find that I don't like a lot of them. I genuinely don't. I get PRESSURED into THINKING that I want them by society and media and how they are presented to me.
What I genuinely enjoy are dry fruit, frozen fruit (I had some frozen grapes yesterday - Oh My God - BETTER THAN ICE CREAM!), and on certain occasions I do have a weakness for chocolate (who doesn't though?)... But it's the cocoa I crave - so perhaps diabetic chocolate (I'm not too sure I can honestly handle refined sugar stuffs) or Green & Blacks 70% for the cocoa hit will be what I go for.
I also now know that I find it hard to control myself if I start eating bread in the day. Not black rye, but anything that is 'white'. I'm alright with wholegrain too, but in small quantities. It's a balance I need to work on.
I am also very much a savoury person - so I need to stay away from overly salty things because I LooooOOooooVe salt. I'm of the Northern European stock of people - and we are used to a lot of it in our diets. While crisps aren't a major problem - anything that's salty, be it meat, cheese whatever... Hmm. At least I know I don't like pastry goods - sausage rolls and cornish pasties do nothing for me.
They're quite manky actually - they drip with fat!
There were of course things I DO have a problem with. Namely crackers, oat cakes (the savoury kind), water biscuits, cheese straws... I don't know what it is about them. They are savoury; maybe because they MAKE me thirsty - so I mistake the thirst for hunger? I don't know. Maybe it's the plain flouriness I love. ... As a child I used to like having a spoon of plain flour when my gran was cooking. ... Call me weird? I dunno.
Hmmm.. What other lessons did I learn today? Ah yes. Don't deprive myself. Never deprive or I will end up in the BAD KIND OF BINGE BUCKET. If I want something - get it, try it, evaluate it, and bin it if I don't like it. That way - no more craving, no more desire, no more deprivation.
Oh yes, and stick a bucket of apples in front of the kitchen door. That helps too. ... Oh yes. And stock up on gum. If I'm chewing something minty and fresh - I'm unlikely to want to chew anything else or even begin thinking about what something else tastes like (i.e. get a craving).
Apart from all this food talk - I have gained about 11lbs in the last 2 weeks. Ok - sounds BAD and YES it is. Some of it has been water weight, and some genuine fat (I can't see protruding ribs anymore!) - ok. But I am not freaking out - because it's what I wanted. I just need to KEEP it here now. ... I was actually able to go into a shop, and buy size 8 jeans without them hanging off me. It was a lovely feeling to have a size 8 FIT me like it SHOULD. Having said that - the jeans I bought today will also serve as my 'control' jeans. If I can't fit in them anymore - that should ring alarm bells to cut down and back. Or the other way around - though hopefully I won't be losing any more weight. I actually feel more sexy again with some curves back rather than a bony mess.
Hope this helps someone out there. xx Have a good week! Wish me luck on my 'back to normal' routine tomorrow.
Funny to say this. Yes. It is an allowed binge day. The last official one. If I allow it to happen in a controlled manner - the damage is not going to be so bad. I go into it with a clean conscience with the aim of exploration of my own feelings to each food.
I took the opportunity today to browse shops for things I "craved" to taste, to have, to have a go at eating again (after 2+ years of not having)... to see if I remember them being the same. To see if I still actually LIKE them and to see if the craving is warranted.
I wanted to see what I actually ENJOY having and to break craving for something that I REMEMBER WRONGLY. Plus after Lighter Life, my tastes have actually CHANGED also - which is another factor that I need to consider.
These controlled binge days are dedicated to mostly saying 'goodbyes' to foods which I USED to like, USED to depend on. To desperse the myth that they are "nice" - I needed to revisit each one seperately (chocolate, sweet bakery, savoury bakery, salty, etc.) and put an end to yearning old memories.
I've already had my chocolate binge day; and bread day. I have also had my nut/savoury snacks day (had cravings for peanuts for AGES for some reason?)... Now I am satisfied, and I no longer want stodgy nasty savoury snacks - they made my tummy space feel awful! And peanuts - I have discovered are fine. A handful of them and I'm happy, so they are not problematic. Nuts are a nice snack in general, healthy, and I'm unlikely to binge on them at all. They have a natural stopping point. After my chocolate binge day (which you'd be disgusted to know how much chocolate I managed to put away!) - I no longer want any more. It just doesn't appeal to me AT ALL...! Same with bread - while I know I have a problem with freshly baked white bread - as long as I don't start touching it; it's fine. I can leave it alone.
So, today I bought a whole bunch of things; mostly sweet things: I'd been craving sh**ty things like doghnuts, and cream slices (you know the ones in the fresh cake section?), and blueberry oat cookies, and stuff like that. Today was dedicated to saying GOODBYE to cookies, cakes and other baked sweet goods.
Thing is - today, while yes, theoretically wasn't a good day food wise (way too much "bad" food!) - but I was RE-LEARNING something VITAL. It was, the ability to STOP when I wasn't enjoying it.
For example. I was craving doughnuts. So I bought a pack of 6 custard doughnuts from Asda (70p??!?), had a mouthful of ONE doughnut. Instantly I knew I didn't like it. The craving was absolutely unfounded, I remember it being different. The image does not support the doughnut's blandness and fatiness. I threw the rest of the doughnuts away along with the rest of the 1 that I had started. problem solved. I now KNOW 100% that doughnuts are disgusting, and I will never want another one again - because they don't taste good at all. - That way I am not depriving myself by avoiding them forever because they're "bad". Nothing is truly bad. I just now know that I don't like them - so there's no point in "avoiding" them anymore.
Same thing happened to the 'cream slice'. The cream is disgusting; and the icing on top - while is nice; it's nothing special. I had one, threw the other one away. I now know that my craving for 'cream cakes' is absolutely unfounded too. They're bland and boring.
Same with cookies - I'd been walking around M&S Blueberry and Oat cookies for months! I had one and I was ... very disappointed. Same with this flapjack I'm trying now... I used to LOVE oat flapjacks... but this is too sweet and sticky. I don't want the rest - in the bin it goes.
I was trying to exlore the things that I DO LIKE also - and in the end I found that I like banana chips (http://www.ethicalsuperstore.com/products/tropical-wholefoods/chewy-banana-chips-200g ) Absolutely delicious! No added sugar in them as well (which is rare with banana chips!)
After quite a lot of exploration of chocolate, sweets, cakes, cookies, bread, savoury snacks.... I find that I don't like a lot of them. I genuinely don't. I get PRESSURED into THINKING that I want them by society and media and how they are presented to me.
What I genuinely enjoy are dry fruit, frozen fruit (I had some frozen grapes yesterday - Oh My God - BETTER THAN ICE CREAM!), and on certain occasions I do have a weakness for chocolate (who doesn't though?)... But it's the cocoa I crave - so perhaps diabetic chocolate (I'm not too sure I can honestly handle refined sugar stuffs) or Green & Blacks 70% for the cocoa hit will be what I go for.
I also now know that I find it hard to control myself if I start eating bread in the day. Not black rye, but anything that is 'white'. I'm alright with wholegrain too, but in small quantities. It's a balance I need to work on.
I am also very much a savoury person - so I need to stay away from overly salty things because I LooooOOooooVe salt. I'm of the Northern European stock of people - and we are used to a lot of it in our diets. While crisps aren't a major problem - anything that's salty, be it meat, cheese whatever... Hmm. At least I know I don't like pastry goods - sausage rolls and cornish pasties do nothing for me.
There were of course things I DO have a problem with. Namely crackers, oat cakes (the savoury kind), water biscuits, cheese straws... I don't know what it is about them. They are savoury; maybe because they MAKE me thirsty - so I mistake the thirst for hunger? I don't know. Maybe it's the plain flouriness I love. ... As a child I used to like having a spoon of plain flour when my gran was cooking. ... Call me weird? I dunno.
Hmmm.. What other lessons did I learn today? Ah yes. Don't deprive myself. Never deprive or I will end up in the BAD KIND OF BINGE BUCKET. If I want something - get it, try it, evaluate it, and bin it if I don't like it. That way - no more craving, no more desire, no more deprivation.
Oh yes, and stick a bucket of apples in front of the kitchen door. That helps too. ... Oh yes. And stock up on gum. If I'm chewing something minty and fresh - I'm unlikely to want to chew anything else or even begin thinking about what something else tastes like (i.e. get a craving).
Apart from all this food talk - I have gained about 11lbs in the last 2 weeks. Ok - sounds BAD and YES it is. Some of it has been water weight, and some genuine fat (I can't see protruding ribs anymore!) - ok. But I am not freaking out - because it's what I wanted. I just need to KEEP it here now. ... I was actually able to go into a shop, and buy size 8 jeans without them hanging off me. It was a lovely feeling to have a size 8 FIT me like it SHOULD. Having said that - the jeans I bought today will also serve as my 'control' jeans. If I can't fit in them anymore - that should ring alarm bells to cut down and back. Or the other way around - though hopefully I won't be losing any more weight. I actually feel more sexy again with some curves back rather than a bony mess.
Hope this helps someone out there. xx Have a good week! Wish me luck on my 'back to normal' routine tomorrow.
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