Thank you Splenda!
I guess it truly is a long journey to truly help yourself. I know that now... "losing the weight" is such a small fraction of the whole thing - the psychology we the "losers" have to deal with is immense; especially if we've been in a dark place for a very, very long time.
And yes, cooking is so much fun! I love to throw in random ingredients together and see what they do!

And no idea where you see the Russian influence. Hehhe - I haven't truly indulged in the meat stews, and the cabbage soups, or anything like that... Though yesterday I did have a traditional Russian dish for dinner.

It was yummy. I need to dig out my Russian Recipe cookbook!!

Actually I'll do that now. YAY!
I hope to be like you 6 months down the line, and even for the rest of my life! Happy, living normally. The head stuff comes and goes - but it's the implementation of it that's important. We can all talk about the changes, we can all speculate what is best for us... but
doing it is another matter. And you are doing it so very well! You shine happiness and no regrets. I admire that about you.

Thanks for stopping by and having a read. I do get heavy on the head stuff sometimes, but I write it down mostly for myself to keep a track record of my thought processes in order to help myself for the future... It's not enough for me to just 'think' it... writing it down makes it all the more real!

It really helps psychologically. If you feel it a little difficult to get "in to the zone" head wise, I do suggest making a little journal for yourself and just letting go inside of it. It reaaaaaaaaaally helps. And to be fair, getting your head around these things the first time can be extremely difficult. Even after 9 months on abstinence I screwed up after RTM. LLLite really helped me cement things in my head - because I went back to the 'diet' I almost showed my head who's boss. ... and really did start working on the issues which arose during RTM and after.
I know that if you start working on it all now; you will definitely be successful. Remember that you are in control!
Jcjazzy! Hi, I do very much intend to keep this blog going for as long as possible. It keeps me in control of what I do, and just writing about issues that come up during the day is useful... Sort of easier if you can get things off your chest. Don't you agree?
And enjoy the book Sukie Sue! It sounds very good - it's not just in relation to 'eating' but to your whole life and I like that aspect. It's not one of those books that makes you obssess over just one aspect of your life - but plays in relation to the big picture. After all - if we have no control in our lives, how do we ever plan to have any control over our minds and eating?
Lol... my recipes aren't all that exciting; but perhaps I should post the recipe for flapjacks... 100 calories or so each, and very filling and nutritious. Mmmm.
Hmm.. Yesterday's food got a little messy due to a friend staying here for the week. Lol. Went to a cafe for breakfast which served manky food (the mushrooms I ordered were so OILY - I ate one and felt like someone just poured a bottle of oil down my throat?!). Blah. Left them all.
I'm having an issue with "fat days" as well at the moment.

I just
feel fat for no apparent reason. No relation to any physiological changes at all... I really do need to get my head around the 'eating again' issue. I'm scared to eat now. ... It's not healthy - sometimes I'm soooo hungry but I don't let myself. Then the hunger goes away and I eat because I 'have' to.
Meh, at least I'm aware of this issue at the moment, and slowly ... I'll get there. Patience is key, and I have patience in truckloads. I know things will come in good time, there is no point in
rushing anything. Having the
I want it nowNOWNOWNOW attitude just doesn't work. Things get broken and done BADLY when things are done too quickly. Corners get cut, the small details aren't ironed out. ... I want to do things
right. Even if it takes me to painful places... I'd rather face them.
Hm... Meh. Oki - yesterday's menu.
Breakfast: At the manky cafe...1 fried egg, 1 vegetarian sausage, some baked beans, salad with dressing …
~330 … probably was less; I’m overestimating for the oily ‘cooking’ this café did … eeeeew.
Afternoon snack: Apple
Dinner: 3 Russian meat dumplings (called Pelmeni) with lots of vegetables and a fried Portobello mushroom.
Dessert: Necatrine + blueberries + sugar-free jelly.
So far: 755
Plus additional 50kcal from milk throughout day. 805