15th June. Monday.
Walked for an hour today; worked up a sweat by the end.

Felt good though, and the reward at the end was a lovely relaxing hour and a half with an Americano coffee in Starbucks reading my book!
I do remember how about 2-3 weeks ago it was so easy to say no to extras and snacks, and just to keep to my meals per day.. It has become a lot harder – but this is exactly when that balance needs to be found: between the healthy mindset and the one that could destroy everything. Being too strict will result in failure in the same way as being too lenient. So I guess the next month or so will be my journey in finding that balance. As I’ve seen from yesterday and the day before; too much (even within calorie limits!) makes me feel out of control, bloated and like I’m on a sure way to my old ways. Today I’ve curbed it, and really watching the nibbling. No chickpea/soya bean cup today – it’s not helpful to have one measured out – because then the mind screams that I should finish it!!! Even if I’m not hungry – partly because it’s been “allocated” and “accounted for”.
It may also very well be a case of old behaviour that came back: behaviour that I didn’t experience while in a deep weight-loss state of mind. So now that it’s back: it needs to be addressed on its own. The same way I addressed the behaviour of
bingeing. So. Now:
snacking. Slowly, one step at a time.
I also slightly got out of the habit of asking myself the QUESTION. Am I hungry? Do I need this? I forgot to truly
listen. Only been two days, but I feel the effects I suppose. Bloated-ness and uncomfortable fullness. Ok, lesson learnt! …Don’t overdo it. Though I suppose my mind is reacting to the door opening to more food groups and things I ‘allow’ myself to eat. So it got a little bit excited. Hee hee. Silly brain.
But I do feel better in myself: MUCH more awake, MUCH less moody, more energetic, feeling like enjoying my life isn’t such an effort? Funny thing to say. But dealing with my partner and my pet is just easier. …I suppose that deep state of weight loss does really stir some **** up. Lol. Someone once said that the deepest, oldest layers of fat (the ones I’ve been losing for the last few months) have more levels of oestrogen and hormones, so they’d wreak a bit more havoc than usual. THAT didn’t help on top of the excruciating lethargy I was feeling from the state of ketosis. At least finally: that part of this is over. I saw it through, I finished it. Now to begin the challenge; keep going forward, don’t stop. Keep learning and questioning. I have the tools now… just need to put it all into practice as I go along!...
Ahhhh. There are so many doubts in my head though, I always wonder:
How am I not gonna grow fat in just a few months? I forget that I have control over some of it. But I always wonder about the things I
don’t have control over. I don’t know how my body is reacting to things truthfully. How do I know that eating more than 1400 kcal per day won’t make me gain weight? How would I know about my metabolism, or anything internal, chemical etc?
Things that are beyond my own control. I guess I can monitor things only so far, and make sure I am recognising that I am providing my body with the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and yes: even ‘happy’ treats.
I haven’t really exceeded 1400 a day yet: but already by body feels much more
SOLID. Is this normal? It’s just been such a drastic change from the ‘empty’ feeling that I had before. That empty skin, and watery jiggliness. … now it’s all so much more rigid, solid, muscular. … just
feels like I’ve gained a stone (I haven’t… stayed roughly the same between 131-135lbs): not so much in the flab department, just in the heavy feeling of it all. Not in a bad way though I guess… I just don’t feel like I’m going to break if someone touches me anymore? … … but the added weightiness to the
feel of my body does worry me a little. Is this actual weight gain, is it a starting point for it all rolling back again, or is it just glycogen levels restoring themselves to normal and I actually NOTICE because my muscles are so much closer to the surface? … it’s amazing how much of my body I never knew existed when I was much larger. I thought I knew my body – but hell no. I didn’t even know half of it under the layers of fat. …
Breakfast: Garlic infused mushroom omelette; served with a tomato. ~130
Lunch: Wild mushrooms, (plus 150g button mushrooms) lentils (160g); with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, served on salad. ~230
Dinner: 4 ‘Cauldron Foods’ Falafels (200), 1 ‘Healthy Living’ Pork sausage (75) with cauliflower herb mash (110). Served with some carrots, broccoli and salad. ~465
Dessert: 100g 0% Greek Yoghurt with frozen raspberries and a pot of Apple & Apricot puree. ~150
Snacks throughout the day: ‘Fruit Strings’ (40), Milk in coffee (30), 2 apples (100), apricot (20), a few diabetic sweets (40), Squashes (30) ~260
Late night snack: Bombay mix with soya beans ~250
So far: 1485
Exercise: 300 kcal walking briskly for an hour.