Daisy - it does take a long time to get your head around food, especially after such a long period of abstinence. It will get easier as long as you try to put things into perspective. Try to use the lessons we learnt in LL and what you'd been learning about on your own into practice. I remember you were very much into the psychology of maintenance before you started, have a look back at the literature you found, and apply it now if you can.

Embrace your feelings, don't give into guilt, and explore everything. Never be afraid!
Also thank you Sean. You have been such an inspiration to me over these last 11-12 weeks, I almost feel we both went on a trip together, and we do echo each other's sentiments sometimes. This perfectionist inside keeps yelling all the time! I guess I should do the "man" thing sometimes and look at the big picture. Women get too hung up on the details I suppose!
As of today; I have to stop counting calories. I am going away to Latvia with my OH on holiday! I am excited, but at the same time I'm TERRIFIED. I'm scared of giving up that control, I am scared of myself. Because I know that if I give my mind lee-way it CAN slip so easily. That's why I had created calorie boundaries, restrictions, telling my monsters NO. But at the same time, I do know that I will have to relinquish the control eventually anyway. I can't count forever.
But, by doing it for so long, I have finally been able to deal with my food monsters better. Perhaps it makes it easier to personify the feelings, because then I can tell them to F-OFF - rather than blame myself/feel guilty about feeling a certain way which in the end would "victimise" me and make things spiral out of control.
Yes, I do want to binge, I want to go get lots of food and stuff my face. I want to because inside I feel pretty rubbish. But I CHOOSE not to. I want to nibble, I want the stray grape in the fridge, I want. But the 'want-want' monster can
shove it because I know I don't like the way the guilt monster makes me feel. He's slimy and disgusting and doesn't leave. I can't wash him off if he ever comes around my door!
Screw that rubbish, I'd rather not even enter that cycle. I just wish the monsters would bugger off though, because they SHOUT SO BLOODY LOUD. Do they ever go away?! Does it get easier? Can someone tell me that, please??
I guess the worst one is: the '
fun-fun' monster. He comes out to play when there's a party around, and everything is great! He's so cute and cuddly, how could anyone deny him an extra biscuit, or an extra slice of cake?! ... he's the dangerous one. He's the one who gives you everything then takes it all away. Leaves you empty and disgusted. Frail and guilty. I can see him coming now though, he was the hardest to spot. "Just one more" he kept saying. "One more won't hurt, another drink, another cookie - don't they taste so good? Don't you want to have fun?" he says. "Look everyone else is doing it, why can't you? Are you not normal?" ... I guess in all his cuteness he hits a painful nerve. Normality. He makes you paranoid and pressured. What will the others think if you don't have extra? ... Godamnit.
I have learnt though - normality is what you make of it. No one actually cares, pressure should be no issue. Last night I CHOSE to have a fruit salad while everyone else was having chocolate cake with ice cream -and I enjoyed it. To be fair, no one really cared either - at the end of the day, most "prejudices" and "judgement" is all in your own head. I just need to remember that. Moderation is key.
Today's menu, last of my 'counting' days for a while.
5th July. Sunday.
Breakfast: Plain omelette (with dill), served with garlic mushrooms, freshly sliced tomato and crunchy salad. ~155
Lunch: Prawn, cabbage and baby sweet corn Soy stir-fry. Served in cabbage leaves, with a side of salad and turnip slices. ~210
Dinner: Chicken Stir-fry. ~300
Dessert: Blackcurrant S/F Jelly with grapes and apple slices. 0% yoghurt pot drizzled on top. ~195
Snacks throughout the day: Calcium & Vitamin Chews (30), Milk in Coffee (30), S/F sweets (20), Apple (80) ~ 160
Totals: 1020