Right, I finally had time to catch up with most people, you're all doing so well!

I'm pleased to see it and it just encourages me to keep going too!
So two exams over and done with, one more to go in 2 weeks time.

I've had some problems with my cats, one of them actually had a good blood test result - was tested with minimal virus counts, so while it could flare up under stress in the future, for now, he's ok. The other one however, isn't doing well... His whole body is full of fluid as his immune system is reacting to it, so he was given heavy diuretics to try to slow it down so that it doesn't spread to his lungs just yet... and while his mass has gone down, it's not without unpleasant side effects, namely diarrhea *all* over the house. Poor thing. It's distressing to see and the clean up isn't easy either. At least we have redecoration on the cards and we'll be replacing most of the carpets soon.
Also went to see the new X-Men movie last night - the movie wasn't all that great, but there were no snacks, I just had my flavoured water and was happy!

So yay. 800 calories yesterday or so, so keeping things under control. I am going out for a friend's birthday tomorrow evening, I won't watch my calorie intake too much as I know I can keep it low the rest of the days.
Hope everyone is having a good Friday! x