Minerva's corner...

Hi Minerva, glad you had good news about one of your cats, but sorry the other one's not been too well. Our cat has kidney problems and often gets cystitis, as a female I do sympathise with her and always know when sh'e suffering as she keeps running backwards and forwards to the litter tray whimpering and not always making it. Part of being a pet owner I suppose is clearing up when they're poorly!

Bad about your car... some people have no sense of responsibility or shame, to just drive off like that. Hope it's not too expensive to sort out. Really annoying when it's not your fault though.

Well done on the diet though, you're doing so well considering all the stressful stuff that's going on. x
Thank you Rach! I actually had an FIV cat before these two and luckily he was relatively healthy until cancer took him way too early. I'm always happy to hear people aren't scared to have an FIV cat, everyone's always put off by it :( Usually they aren't any different from any other health wise with the added bonus of being an indoor cat for all the extra love and attention. The flu in yours is slightly worrying though, I hope it doesn't affect her too much.
I'd say it's either drunk driving or maybe didn't have insurance/didn't want to affect it, as there's no way someone didn't notice a bang like that! Oh well, these things happen I guess. It's what I get for giving up the space in front of my house for my OH's flashy BMW. :rolleyes:

Thankfully my cat is ok really apart from sneezing and having a runny nose and eyes. She just needs an injection of antibiotics every now and then, her mum has sore eyes and so does her sister. They were all strays I took in when the mother decided our house was safe for them, she fetched them in when they were only a week old. Vet said the Mother has it but not as bad, she passed it on.

Karma will bite who ever hit your car in the ass
So, WI day, I'm finally down to 11st 7 :) 2lbs to go until 100lbs lost since my highest recorded weight :D Woot.

In total, that's 25lbs in 10 weeks which is perfectly fine for me. Not as fast as some, but it sounds about right with my body's general reluctance to shed weight :p I've had a few days off here and there, so I'm pleased overall!
So, WI day, I'm finally down to 11st 7 :) 2lbs to go until 100lbs lost since my highest recorded weight :D Woot.

In total, that's 25lbs in 10 weeks which is perfectly fine for me. Not as fast as some, but it sounds about right with my body's general reluctance to shed weight :p I've had a few days off here and there, so I'm pleased overall!

That's great, well done you! 25lbs is really good. :)
Eeeek how amazing!!! 25lbs in 10 weeks is awesome I would love to lose that much in 10 weeks.

25lb is amazing - well done!

Healthcare seems to attract mature students, so to me it's normal to have them on a degree course. When I did my nursing degree, the majority were older students. As an 18 year old straight from college, I was in the minority. When doing my midwifery degree (it was a shortened course, honours degree in 18 months), we had to be registered nurses to apply and the age range was about 24 up to mid-4os.
Really struggling diet wise recently... so much so that I don't even want to post here... I still read everything, you're all doing amazing <3

But mentally with mine I've hit some sort of wall. I feel good now and don't hate what I see in the mirror. And I also feel my hormones and body fighting against losing any more weight. Any meal just doesn't feel like it's enough and I want to eat more after (I don't though). I do believe in the theory that everyone has a genetic predisposition to where their bodies are calibrated to be - which isn't always in sync with our own notions of where we should be. My brain is telling me I should be in the 10 st's, but I do feel my body is most stable at close to 12st. It's not where I want to be, but I know from past experience, both in my teens and in the last few years of maintenance - that it's where my weight is actually stable - any more and it starts to freak out and tell me to lose a bit, and every time I tried to lose and go below, it's hit back at me to eat more. And funnily enough I could eat actually QUITE A LOT of food over the period of quite a few months and not gain very much - it's like my body regulated its metabolism to keep it stable.

So I think at this point I have to rethink my strategy. I've been quite strict to get the most critical weight off in the past 10 weeks, but now that I have done that, I think I'll take a more casual approach. I did plan to relax a bit after a while originally, so I guess I knew this would come. I'll still be counting calories daily, so as not to lose perspective as that is usually my downfall! So at this point I'll try to stabilise and if I lose 1lb here and there I'll be happy :)

I'm not going to worry about actual *weight loss* too much right now. Just need to work through these hormonal shifts first and make sure they stabilise so I don't feel like I'm forcing my body to lose weight against its will. It's not been good for me in the past... So I've got to listen to what its telling me as fighting with it could have a severe effect on my mood and behaviour too.

Today I finish at 1200 calories, which isn't too bad considering I've had the munchies! But I'm making sensible and healthy choices and trying to listen to my stomach not whatever the other thing is!

I leave you with an interesting documentary entitled: "Why are thin people not fat?"

Enjoy :)
I think that's a really sensible approach, and it's great you are now happy with the way you look. I'm sure your new maintenance type approach will work well - and it's a million times better than forcing yourself to be super strict and then ultimately giving up working(which is what I usually do!). Best of luck with it!
Minerva - it's good to hear you're listening to your body and making the sensible choice of not pushing yourself further then your physical/mental health can cope with right now.
I know what you mean, my body always seems to be happiest around 13 stone, which is not where I want to be but is where I stall at and have done since I was a teenager x
I don't seem to be able to get below 13 st 13 lbs. Every time I lose weight I stick there and the rebound up to 15 st plus. This time I am going to crackers it though .
Thank you so much everyone :)
WI day today - only lost 0.5lbs even though on average my calories have been just below 1000 this week and sticking to 16:8... Goes to show I was right about my body not wanting to do this right now! But I have been feeling better eating a bit more and not being too worried about it. As I say to others here - the body is doing its own thing and it will work itself out. :)

My final exam is today, so wish me luck! :D
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I'm glad you enjoyed the documentary Mark :) And thanks for the good luck! It wasn't too hard, so I'm pretty sure I didn't fail. :p

So having come back from a long day - I weighed myself again and it's gone from 11.6.6 down to 11.4.0. o_O In the space of just 7am to 6pm. Goes to show how much we can pee out in a day :p I did have two gigantic cups of coffee in the morning and nothing after about 1pm, so... Whenever someone is worried about a lb gain or STS ... well. Here you go. Over 2 lbs can just be liquids in your guts.

I won't update that measurement as the loss for the week (even though -3 is so nice!). I'll see how I do over the week, as I have a few functions to attend with some food/drinks planned. Might be realistic to just keep it as the high figure so I won't get annoyed/disappointed with the WI next week :)
So, WI day, I'm finally down to 11st 7 :) 2lbs to go until 100lbs lost since my highest recorded weight :D Woot.

In total, that's 25lbs in 10 weeks which is perfectly fine for me. Not as fast as some, but it sounds about right with my body's general reluctance to shed weight :p I've had a few days off here and there, so I'm pleased overall!
That's fantastic Minerva! Well done:0clapper:
Thank you so much everyone :)
WI day today - only lost 0.5lbs even though on average my calories have been just below 1000 this week and sticking to 16:8... Goes to show I was right about my body not wanting to do this right now! But I have been feeling better eating a bit more and not being too worried about it. As I say to others here - the body is doing its own thing and it will work itself out. :)

My final exam is today, so wish me luck! :D
Sorry I missed this earlier on, but I am sure you will do well.
