Morning all. Bleugh. I'm ill - hence the silence. So Friday, yeah... Less said about the better (let's just say, 3 turned into many and I stumbled in at 5:30am). Then Saturday afternoon started to get a bit of a runny nose and then yesterday, BAM! full on cold, aches and no sleep for me. Feel absolutely ****. But hey ho, duty calls I guess?
Food wasn't too bad on Saturday but yesterday wasn't good. Felt too rough to cook properly.
Some of my foods over the weekend.
Wrap pizza on saturday
Leftover chilli and macaroni
Egg sandwich on Sunday
Carrot soup on Sunday
I've actually no energy to make anything today. Just about dragged myself out of bed. Think I'm just going to have a mugshot for lunch. Maybe take some frozen berries and yogurt. Want to curl up and sleep. Already running late but can't find the energy to move. If anyone has any spare please send my way.
Friday night sounds great! Hope you feel better soon. That pizza looks yummy I couldn't find the right wraps when went shopping Sat and I wanted to make a nice veggie pizza x
Pizza was lovely but I had 2 yesterday (12 syns) which would have been fine... If I'd not had malted milks and matchmakers
I doubt work will send me home... Too much to do what with the extra work. Maybe I'll go in, do anything urgent and then come home at say lunch time. I've got a cough too which hurts my head. Just gotta suck it up for now I guess. Sob! Xx
Feel betta soon minks xx :bighugs:
I think theres alot ov illnesses goin around at the min ive been unwell for well over a week n cant seem to shift this cough! Driving me mad
hi hope you dont mind me reading your diary realy enjoying it what a great aproach and you have done amazing i started sw 2 wks back so lapping up ideas
well impressed with the shank. Added some canned sliced carrots to the cooked swede and mashed that. So dinner consisted of microwaving shanks, swede and carrot and boiling the Brussels and cabbage. Minimal effort, maximum taste and superfree.
Now off to soak in a hot steamy shower and then bed.