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<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=81357"/>
well impressed with the shank. Added some canned sliced carrots to the cooked swede and mashed that. So dinner consisted of microwaving shanks, swede and carrot and boiling the Brussels and cabbage. Minimal effort, maximum taste and superfree.
Now off to soak in a hot steamy shower and then bed.
Mega busy day again at work. Then home and had to make something to take to our taster night. Hope I'm not the only one againmade-12 bhajis using the slimming world recipe and a syn free / superfree salsa with WW nachos. I am starving. Taking a banana to eat the second I've weighed. Roll on 7:30!
Hope everyone has had a good day and the sun was shining where you are like it has been here xx
Thanks honey.
6 off. Well happy with that. 3 to go till 9 stone! Xx
Thanks honey.
6 off. Well happy with that. 3 to go till 9 stone! Xx
wow that is fantastic. wel done MissyThanks honey.
6 off. Well happy with that. 3 to go till 9 stone! Xx