MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

arctic_blonde_not_grey said:

Ah you are a star! Thank yooooooou soooooo much!

And for anyone else wondering what I'm thanking him for it's because he is my first online sponsor for my half marathon.

So if anyone else wants to chuck a couple of pennies towards it I would really appreciate it. Every little helps, even if it's a couple of quid! My link is in my signature and is for a worthy cause (to see me work my butt off at midnight mainly!!) xxx
And then she scared them all away! Ha ha!

My friend picked me up a gel seat that was half price in sainsburys so going to give that a crack by the end of the week and fingers crossed no more sore backside!

Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday xxx
Hello lovely Minks - been away for awhile...have missed you. Need to catch up with your diary; I notice you're doing a half marathon!!! WOW!!! I'm sure the last time I was on here you were toying with the idea of doing a charity walk and didn't fancy the thought of running! That's amazing!! :bighug: xxx
beckyn22 said:
Hello lovely Minks - been away for awhile...have missed you. Need to catch up with your diary; I notice you're doing a half marathon!!! WOW!!! I'm sure the last time I was on here you were toying with the idea of doing a charity walk and didn't fancy the thought of running! That's amazing!! :bighug: xxx

Yay!!! Your back! Was starting to get worried about you missy but glad you are ok :) if you need a chat just holler or send me a pm. Have a fantastic day sweetie xxx
WI tonight, dun dun duuuuuun! Hoping for any kind of a loss, 2 pounds would be great. With the cycling I'm not sure if there will be any water retention cause my legs ache and my lower back slightly.

2 will give me my half stone :D but 5.5 is what I need for my 5.5 stone from my original weight. So if I'm between that then awesomeness.

Off to Southampton with work today, seem to e all over the place at the moment. Was in London at Whitehall and the Ministry of Defence last week - can't take your phones in for security purposes and have to have photographic ID n everything! At least today is a nice easy meeting about new systems we want.

Best get cracking with ironing as I gotta leave in half hour! Eek!

Have a fabulous Tuesday all xx
Good luck with weigh in. Regardless of the scales result just think how much good the cycling has fine your legs already - you should start to see the effect shortly if you haven't already!
Purple*Tortoise said:
Good luck with weigh in. Regardless of the scales result just think how much good the cycling has fine your legs already - you should start to see the effect shortly if you haven't already!

Funny you should say that actually, and I'm not putting it down to the cycling just the general exercise I have been doing and my clothes are getting bigger again. I've not actually lost much this year so far but I have dropped 3 dress sizes (only just getting into some 16's but I'll take that as 3 dress sizes ;))

I love to see the numbers go down in the scales but even when they don't I know I'm still doing something right because of my baggy trousers and tops!

Still on my train journey to Southampton and made sure I had some form of food to tide me over till lunch time - breakfast on the go was a pack of pink lady slices and 2 alpen light bars. Got a nana in my bag for when I finally get there. Just need to make sure I can get a sensible lunch choice from somewhere.... Xx
arctic_blonde_not_grey said:
Plenty of places in West Quay for lunch! Some might even be healthy? :eek:

Pah, didn't have time for any lunch. Meeting overran by 2.5 hours, just got out and had to run (yes, RUN!) so I could catch my train and get home at a normal time. Managed to grab a melon and grape pot from the co op opposite the station so I can at least have some food/liquid as we weren't offered ANYTHING whilst at the meeting - how rude!! Xx
All hail to the exercise queen - :wow: cycling, running - there's no stopping you! Sorry work is so mani - hope you're having a happy Tuesday sweetie and :fingerscrossed: for wi later :bighug: xxx
MinkyDinky said:
Pah, didn't have time for any lunch. Meeting overran by 2.5 hours, just got out and had to run (yes, RUN!) so I could catch my train and get home at a normal time. Managed to grab a melon and grape pot from the co op opposite the station so I can at least have some food/liquid as we weren't offered ANYTHING whilst at the meeting - how rude!! Xx

Thats proper rude!! They cud ov at least offered u a drink y u was in there so long!
Hope the melon n grape keeps ya goin till ya get home x
I neeeeeed foooooood! So far today it's been a total of 1 pink lady pack, banana, 2 alpen lights and the stupid melon and grape pot. My tummy is rumbling and I need a drink too. But I have to wait till after WI - 26 minutes to go!

Then race back and scoff my spinach and mushroom cannelloni, I so hope it tastes nice or I may just cry! Took me forever to fill the bloody skinny tubes and I had to do it by hand because it just wasn't working with a teaspoon, I'd still be there next Tuesday!!

21 mins to go now, best get changed and get on up there so I can get done first and sprint home!! Nom nom nom!
Good luck! X x
Yay well done! Brilliant! X x