MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Just dashing in quick before I go out for my walk, had a choc pop cake for pudding last night with fruit



dead quick and hits the sweet spot (be warned though it is not a master piece but it doesn't taste or have the eggy feeling some do) xxx
Minks love the look of your cake. Must make it next week. I am off for my last walk here (hopeing to make a long one. going to walk as far as my legs take me). It is mega windy - I do not mind that as ong as it does not rain (forecast says no rain but I am going to take my big umberella to cover me if rains). Have a lovely day.
Well done, Minks, on the continued non-smoking and boo to nasty period :(. Hope your foot is better too! Yes I did do my Lesley mile the other night! Didn't do one yesterday so off to do one now - you're great motivation :). Have a great Saturday and hope you're feeling bit better :bighug: xxxxxx
ZoeSB22 said:
Definately trying the cake but in a couple weeks! I haven't answered you from this morning yet as I'm still laughing at u falling over! :) jokes
Wow minks that's a long way to go do u not want me to like give u a lift instead of running?! The London walk sounds ace I've heard about it before, when is it? Can I do it with you? (for once please attach a serious tone to the last questions!) xxx
I laughed for a while too Hun so laugh away :D
As for the London moonwalk, you would be more than welcome to join me! Is it not a bit far for you though to come up? Could do 'training' programmes and give each other weekly updates/progress reports/motivation! Drop me a PM if you do though and we could sort something out xxx

Rosielea said:
Minks love the look of your cake. Must make it next week. I am off for my last walk here (hopeing to make a long one. going to walk as far as my legs take me). It is mega windy - I do not mind that as ong as it does not rain (forecast says no rain but I am going to take my big umberella to cover me if rains). Have a lovely day.
Hey Rosie, did you manage to get out for one last walk? Back in the not so sunny Blighty tomorrow! Then interview time - I'm crossing all my fingers for you! Xx

beckyn22 said:
Well done, Minks, on the continued non-smoking and boo to nasty period :(. Hope your foot is better too! Yes I did do my Lesley mile the other night! Didn't do one yesterday so off to do one now - you're great motivation :). Have a great Saturday and hope you're feeling bit better :bighug: xxxxxx
bonjour my lovely! Period pains gone - woo! No longer hurt from falling down the stairs - double woo! Ha ha!! Well done honey for getting another Lesley under your belt, you should keep like a countdown thingy of say 50 miles? And then reward yourself with something at the end of it (whether it be something that costs nothing like a pamper sesh for a few hours, or a new nail varnish and give yourself a pedicure, or if a high mile count like 100 make it a new 'workout' outfit or new trainers!)
Hope you are having a lovely Saturday xxxx
Evening all! Hope you are all having a great weekend so far.

Mine has been pretty good - managed to get out for a walk this morning although I made a fatal mistake. Was planning on completing at least an 8 mile walk, super motivated for it and the weather was pretty perfect for it (dry, cool winds and sunshine bursts). BUT school girl error - I wore some new MBT trainers for the first time and I am now sporting some extremely attractive blisters on the heel of each foot. Booooooo! I really don't seem to have much luck with trainers :(
Walk was needless to say cut short, managed 3.5 miles in 50 mins which I didn't think was too bad? Bare in mind that did include a brief stop to check feet and swear for a good couple of minutes :D

Not long after I got back my mother summoned me to see her (you never say no to the mummy!) so met her and her bf at the pub round the corner from hers. Turns out she only wanted to see me so I could write out a food plan for her and my sister so they can lose weight! Cheeky mare :) Had a Jack Daniels and diet coke, stopped at just the one, went outside when they wanted a cigarette but I didn't even feel the urge or need for one.

Now home and cooking a nice curry and roast BNS to chow down on.

Exercise - tick!
On plan and within syns - tick!
No smoking for day 6 - tick!
Happy Minky? Defo! Xxxx
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Minks well done. I managed to get out and did 4 miles (unlike me) in the wind but sunny day. I was walking on the main road - it was me, the wind and occasional car passing by. The only thing was that there was nowhere to sit when I got tired. Hope I continue with the walk when home. Have no excuse as I live by a massive open space which stretches miles.

Sorry to hear your trainers giving you blisters (big hug). Have a lovely evening.
Kia-Ora said:
Polish that halo huni :) :) :) x
Got arm ache from it now! :D xx

Rosielea said:
Minks well done. I managed to get out and did 4 miles (unlike me) in the wind but sunny day. I was walking on the main road - it was me, the wind and occasional car passing by. The only thing was that there was nowhere to sit when I got tired. Hope I continue with the walk when home. Have no excuse as I live by a massive open space which stretches miles.

Sorry to hear your trainers giving you blisters (big hug). Have a lovely evening.
Well done Rosie, that's fantastic and especially with the wind - makes it all that little bit harder. Hope you have a safe journey home sweetie xx

mrstore said:
Yay to the all the exercise, scrummy food and no smoking :)
Booo to the blisters though :(
Boo indeed! They are massive! As for the exercise and good food - just jumped on the scales and we have a non mover?? Assuming it's because I'm still on my period and have water retention. No biggy, just needs to be gone by Tuesday ;) xx

emma_partington27 said:
Oh dear :( hope ur feet mend soon hun xx
cheers Em :) I'm sure that with some proper socks, plasters and trainers I can do my best to not aggravate them. Fingers crossed!! Xx
Blister plasters are excellent if you get the proper ones. I like Morrisons own, only £1.50 for a packet of about 5 I think, and they stick really well
Happy Sunday guys!
It's dry here (woo!) at the moment, heading up to Legs, Bums and Tums in an hour, and chilling with a cup of chocolate tea until then. Guessing I should eat something before I go?

So as you all know I got some blisters on my feet yesterday - I would show but I know last time some people were grossed out by it :D - and as you also probably remember I fell down the stairs on Thursday. Didn't think I'd done much damage but my right hip has been hurting since. It hurts just walking so should I take it easy at my class or just get on with it and should an action hurt then not do it?

Aaaaand one last question - will my aching/sore hip cause water retention where it will try and repair/protect the joint and muscles? If so, could that be the reason why my scales haven't changed?? I'm a serial weigher anyway and it doesn't normally bother me but all week there has been no change! Maybe EE just doesn't really work for me anymore :( xxx
Morning minks. Woo hoo on the exercise and woo hoo on the no smoking your doing sooooooo well :) boo to the blisters tho and the bad hip :( I don't know much medically (altho u wouldn't believe it all the injuries I get!!) but I would personally take it easy exercising if it's been sore for a few days you've clearly done something even if it's minor and you don't wanna make that worse. As for water for repairing I don't know if that what happens when all types of injuries occur but it would be a pretty sensible assumption me thinks :) just stay off them blooming scales till Tuesday and keep going as u are they will have moved!

Happy sunday minks x
mrstore said:
Blister plasters are excellent if you get the proper ones. I like Morrisons own, only £1.50 for a packet of about 5 I think, and they stick really well

Do you reckon you can get them in most shops? And do you put them on before you get blisters (ie as a preventative?) or over your blisters to stop them getting worse? Probably obvious answer but you never know! Xx
jo-85 said:
Morning minks. Woo hoo on the exercise and woo hoo on the no smoking your doing sooooooo well :) boo to the blisters tho and the bad hip :( I don't know much medically (altho u wouldn't believe it all the injuries I get!!) but I would personally take it easy exercising if it's been sore for a few days you've clearly done something even if it's minor and you don't wanna make that worse. As for water for repairing I don't know if that what happens when all types of injuries occur but it would be a pretty sensible assumption me thinks :) just stay off them blooming scales till Tuesday and keep going as u are they will have moved!

Happy sunday minks x

Hey gorgeous girl, Thanks for the woohoo's and advise :) I'm still woo hooing in my head that today is day 7 of not smoking - ahhhh!
As for exercise, I went to LBT and really enjoyed it until my hip started to hurt with certain actions so couldn't do them properly and then started feeling like a big fat failure. Stupid brain. The trainer was great though and she asked if I was ok, I explained and she showed me some modified moves and just said to take it easy. But taking it easy won't help my saggy skin! I don't want bingo wings and a horrible tum :( lol. So I am defo going back next week. Will have to remember to eat before going though.... Feel a little dizzy now and could happily sleep but off to see my pregnant friend yay!

Would like to say scales are hidden but that's a lie and I won't let it sway how I feel - just confused me a little that's all :D I will keep on doing what I'm doing and will lose when I lose.

Have a great day too xxx
MinkyDinky said:
Hey gorgeous girl, Thanks for the woohoo's and advise :) I'm still woo hooing in my head that today is day 7 of not smoking - ahhhh!
As for exercise, I went to LBT and really enjoyed it until my hip started to hurt with certain actions so couldn't do them properly and then started feeling like a big fat failure. Stupid brain. The trainer was great though and she asked if I was ok, I explained and she showed me some modified moves and just said to take it easy. But taking it easy won't help my saggy skin! I don't want bingo wings and a horrible tum :( lol. So I am defo going back next week. Will have to remember to eat before going though.... Feel a little dizzy now and could happily sleep but off to see my pregnant friend yay!

Would like to say scales are hidden but that's a lie and I won't let it sway how I feel - just confused me a little that's all :D I will keep on doing what I'm doing and will lose when I lose.

Have a great day too xxx

You silly billy your doing fabulous with your exercising so don't beat yourself up. You will be back on top form but look after that hip for a couple of days x
MinkyDinky said:
Do you reckon you can get them in most shops? And do you put them on before you get blisters (ie as a preventative?) or over your blisters to stop them getting worse? Probably obvious answer but you never know! Xx

Yeah most places should do them....boots etc, but I found them to be quite pricey. Chemists will have them too. You can use them either before or after, I have a pair of shoes that always rub so I pop on plaster on before the damage is done. They're almost invisible when on too as they're clear. And they're supposed to help blisters to heal quicker too.....so a good buy all round :)
mrstore said:
Yeah most places should do them....boots etc, but I found them to be quite pricey. Chemists will have them too. You can use them either before or after, I have a pair of shoes that always rub so I pop on plaster on before the damage is done. They're almost invisible when on too as they're clear. And they're supposed to help blisters to heal quicker too.....so a good buy all round :)

Thanks chick, I will defo take a look out for them xx

jo-85 said:
Hope ure feet And hip feeling bit better this morning lovely lady. Have a good Monday x
Evening sweetie! Feeling much better today thanks :) hope you have had a good Monday xx

emma_partington27 said:
Morning minks xx well ive got my bike and ive been out on it :)
hey Em! How did it go on the bike?! I was so scared first time I went on it but now I'm such a cocky rider ;) hope you have had a good day xx