MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

mrstore said:
Woohoo check you out on your new piccy!!! Loving it!!! :)

emma_partington27 said:
Ooohhh loving the new pic :) :)

Arctic-BNG said:
Missed it the first time! Nice pic!

Thank you buddies! Had more chopped off on Friday so new pic was needed :D xx
MinkyDinky said:
WI went well...

2.5 off! I'm in the 12's and I've tipped over the 7.5 stone loss too yay!!

Feel super awesome right now! 5.5 to my 8 stone. I want that in 2-3 weeks. Gonna smash it!! Xx

Wow - to the hair and the loss, minks rules!!! ;)
dextersmum said:
Duh....just caught up on posts - WELL DONE minks ......yippee - you must feel unbelievable!!

Thanks honey :) still pretty shocked that I can say I now weigh 12 stone something!!

How have you been this week? What days are you weighing now? Hope you are ok my lovely xxx
Last nights offerings!
Super stuffed afterwards but it was gorgeous.


Breakfast this morning

Jeez was I a little over eager last night with exercise!
So, power walked home for 2.2 miles, got changed, sorted my stuff out and left the flat. Started walking my 3 mile walk to the leisure centre and got a sudden urge to run..... So I did..... 1.5 miles in fact. I couldn't tell you the last time I ran! Well, I run playing badminton but not this sort of running!
Got the most almighty of stitches so slowed to a jog, stopped at me ma's and grabbed a glass of water. Then continued the rest of my journey (1.5 mile) as a power walk. Played badders for one hour and felt pooped.
Dropped off home by my friend only for the OH to ask if I could just 'nip' to the shop for a bottle of diet pepsi. So out I went again and another 1.3 miles tucked under my belt power walking. Tired just thinking about it!

BUT! I super enjoyed the running part. So C25k app downloaded and might give it a try! Although I'm in agony tonight with period pains so I'm just heading to the pub for a quiet catch up with an old friend instead :D

Dinner last night was dead tasty - provencal chicken with roasties and roast carrots.

Today's food has been a bit boring. green day
Breakfast - grilled mushrooms and scrambled egg
Lunch - melon, banana and mugshot
Snack - hifi bar HexB, total Greek yog (2 syns)
Cheese and onion on toast (HexA and HexB)
Dinner - sweet potato, spinach and red onion Spanish omelette and beans, topped with cheese for 2nd HexA

Might have a WW bakewell slice for 4 syns later
Weekend.... Epic. Not on the diet front though, well, i dunno actually!

Went out for a quiet catch up with an old school friend Friday night, ended up bumping into a few more old friends (one who actually didn't recognise me and I had to get my ID out for her to realise who I was!) and one thing led to another.... Spirits, beer, cocktails, shots, vomit (nice) and got through the door at 6.20am Saturday. Not good! Although I guess the toilet hugging helped clear out some alcohol syns - every cloud right?

Over to the Mother ship to see me ma and her OH as they have just got back from St Lucia and had 2 slices of WM toast because I thought I was going to die. Popped to the shops on my way home and grabbed a mini chicago town pizza and devoured that in seconds. Back over to my friends early evening and the fun started again... BUT mainly stuck to vodka and diet cokes, the odd Jager bomb and sambuca shot. Oh and I recall grimacing over a tequilla shot too. Lovely. Earlier night though, was home at a respectable 3:30. Go me.

Pretty much died yesterday but food wasn't awful. Made some mini wrap pizza's with mushrooms, onions and pepper on. Had a small bowl of carrot soup, hifi bar, one biscuit, slice of bread and butter (amazing!) and then dinner was beef and BNS lasagne with cauliflower and brocolli.

Today been back on plan nicely.
Breakfast - Pomegranate
Lunch - Ham and Egg Salad, packet of Sunbites 7 syns, 2 marshmellows 2 syns
Dinner - No Idea. Didn't get anything out the freezer so dunno!

Playing Badminton straight after work so hoping to burn off some cals that way.

On a good note though - I AM NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL THIS WEEKEND!!!!!
Whoa! I feel SO much better about my weekend now ;) he he x