MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Flapjacks. Win.

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<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=78608"/>

Enjoying tucking into this one anyway :D

Oaty, fruity, soft, crunchy, cinnamonny (it's my word, deal with it) and quick to make.

Drool :p got to try these
MinkyDinky said:
What soup is he making? Bacon makes everything better. I'm so having bacon in the morning!!!
Sunday sounds lovely! Are you going shopping for anything in particular or just a mooch and see if anything takes your eye? Xx

Just asked him what his ingredients are.......leek, potato, carrots, oxo cubes, garlic, bacon, he couldn't think of anything else lol.

Not even sure where we're going on sunday lol. We're out tomorrow for a couple of hours to do a bit of food shopping, I'm having a look for a new rug for the front room, and some ornament type things, vase, candles etc. xx
Franalamadingdong said:
Oh have fun mrstore. Sometimes some time off kids is desperately needed.

Minky they sound so amazing but I don't trust myself not to scoff the lot straight out of the oven right now! I will have a go next week I promise

Thanks :) I can't wait!! Will be so nice not to have to worry about anything else for the day :)
Dinner finally eaten.


Full - not stuffed - and left about quarter of it too. 7 syns for the day, 1 HexA and 2 HexB used. I make that day 3 well and truly ticked off and on plan.

Tomorrows american day isn't happening now :( The Boy has decided he won't be able to eat breakfast unless it's soup (he is a weird one). So instead of being American day it's going to be around the world day!

Breakfast - 'half' English - 2 bacon fat off, fry lite fried egg, mushrooms and 1 slice toast 3 syns. Bit of Melon before hand maybe?

Lunch - Chinese style stir fry (leftovers!)

Dinner - American still! KFC style fillet, hm hash brown, salsa and lettuce in a bun, oh and a slice of cheese. Chips (probably make swede and carrot ones for me to have superfree!). 'slaw and beans. Couple of syns for the coleslaw and slice of cheese. Probably do my 'burger' in a WW petit pain for my HexB.

Got melon, grapes and banana if I feel peckish at all. Syns aiming to be around 7-10, highest of the week so far!

Sunday is going to be equally as epic tbh!
I love having time to cook on a w'end, if only I could cook as a full time occupation!
No problems :)

I used :

80g ready to eat prunes - chopped up 1 HexB
120g oats - 3 HexB
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil - 2 HexB and 6 syns
2 tbsp golden syrup - 4 syns
1 tsp cinnamon

Mix it all up, press into a small baking tray sprayed with frylight. Bake in preheated oven on 180c for about 15-20 mins.
Cut into 6 pieces while hot and leave to cool. They feel a bit squishy to begin with but firm up upon cooling.

Could use any of the fruit within the HexB category but I had prunes in thoroughly enjoyed and nice to have such a healthy snack! Xx

Lovely!! Think ill make them on a green day so I can have second hexb as an evening snack :). Thanks! X
Afternoon all!

So today hasn't gone as planned. Not in a bad way just thrown out of sorts. Was going to see my mum and her OH today and they said they'd meet us at tesco (I needed to get some rolls and they were doing weekly shop, 5 min walk from our flat). Very rarely does it actually happen but we were able to sleep in till 8:40 today, woo! BUT! mum couldn't sleep. She was up early. Meaning that at half 9... They were heading to tesco. Nooooooo!

Showered, hair dried and dressed in record time. No chance for breakfast, well, the breakfast I wanted!! Grabbed what I could and left with it in my bag. Done a little more shopping as things were on offer - Kerry low low 2 for £2, velvet crunch 2 for £3, that sorta thing. Met mother, went to hers, ate what I had but by 2.30 I was ravenous. Made our excuses and left.

I've eaten, heating is on, I'm sleepy and have a book to stick my nose into. Might even have a little nap - just because I can.

Red day.

Breakfast - banana, plum, flapjack. HexB + 1.5s
Pre lunch - banana
Lunch - 3 egg omelette with mushrooms, black pepper, worcestershire sauce, smoked bacon and 30g cheddar (pretty damn good)
Dinner - still KFC fakeaway but can't be arsed with making coleslaw and not having beans. So will be BNS and swede fries with side salad. 5 syns for everything (smash flakes and Harissa paste, elf Mayo and ketchup) HexB WW petit pain and cheese HexA.

I ate my lunch late so had a knock on effect to timing. Plus it's a good distraction so I don't go out tonight - my best friend has been begging me to go out with her and another friend. Been toying with the idea all night but have stuck to my guns. I want 3 off on Tuesday to put me back at 12 stone and I don't want a night out to ruin it when I've been so good.

It's in the oven now so won't be long! Looking forward to it.

Couldn't be arsed to make hash browns to go in the burger tho and it would mean I'd have to syn the potato too. So it's just chicken KFC style fillet, in petit pain with Mayo and lettuce, BNS fries and harissa ketchup. Still going to be amazing :D xx
It doesn't look much but that's because the rest of the chicken breast that didn't fit in the roll was on the baking tray but I did eat it!




the Harissa ketchup was awesome too, that's going to be a new favourite!
Yum Yum Yum. I find red days hard. I just love potato too much. I take my imaginary hat off to you ma'am

I find them hard too, was going to be EE but as I didn't have noodles for lunch it was easy to switch over. But then I had to not do hash browns. To be fair, they weren't needed as it was totally filling. Usually a greeny girl because I love my carbs and find them easier to cook with than limiting in red, like you say xx
Morning Minks! Thick moment coming......what's Harissa sauce??? Lol x

Morning lovey! Harissa is a hot Moroccan spiced paste (or if you're lucky to find the powder...) and is really bloody tasty. I've done it spread on chicken and baked in the oven too which was yummy. It's 1/2 syn per tsp and is awesome! Xx
MinkyDinky said:
Morning lovey! Harissa is a hot Moroccan spiced paste (or if you're lucky to find the powder...) and is really bloody tasty. I've done it spread on chicken and baked in the oven too which was yummy. It's 1/2 syn per tsp and is awesome! Xx

Mmmm sounds nice thanks, i like spicy stuff.....where abouts would I find it in the supermarket??? Xx
Mmmm sounds nice thanks, i like spicy stuff.....where abouts would I find it in the supermarket??? Xx

Usually in the world foods section - where you find all sorts of amazing things. Like dried chillies, tamarind paste, chipotle or mole sauce, dried mushrooms, etc. I got mine in tesco but have also seen in sainsburys.
Hope you have a fab time today on your 'day off' - enjoy the shopping and being a free woman for the day! Xx
MinkyDinky said:
Usually in the world foods section - where you find all sorts of amazing things. Like dried chillies, tamarind paste, chipotle or mole sauce, dried mushrooms, etc. I got mine in tesco but have also seen in sainsburys.
Hope you have a fab time today on your 'day off' - enjoy the shopping and being a free woman for the day! Xx

Thank you :) I really can't wait to go and start getting ready :)
One more thing........mole sauce??? As in the little furry creature???? ;) xx