Holiday Countdown!
Well thats bloody great, and I will do that - we are going to Barbados on 3rd August, so we will be staying at the Travel Lodge (Povey Cross) on the 2nd. I would defo be up for a beverage somewhere - that would be great - Mick'll be there, but that's ok, he can buy the bevvies! I will pm you closer to the time. . . which reminds me, I had a dream about you this morning! It was very strange - but you worked in my building and we were all on the roof terrace (not that my work has a roof terrace, but for the purposes of my dream it did!) and you were there having lunch with your mum and I was with my friends, and although I had seen your face before around the building I had never put two and two together, but I was listening to you and your mum chatting and you mentioned double dipping food (!) which was something I had (in my dream) remembered you mentioning your hatred for on your diary! So I said "excuse me, are you Minky Dinky?" and you rolled your eyes and said "yes, another follower" like some famous person, I clapped my hands with glee, like some star struck person and you came over and gave me an air kiss on each cheek - I was all gushy and then I woke up - how weird.
Anyway, maybes thats why I thought I would check in on you at lunchtime today - I only just remembered it.
Man, am I the first to have a Minky Dinky related dream?! Please feel free to distance yourself from me Minks, I wouldn't blame you....!
Charley that killed me!! That is so funny! Unfortunately I don't work in your building
Defo up for meeting and would be lovely to meet Mick too xxx