MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Well thats bloody great, and I will do that - we are going to Barbados on 3rd August, so we will be staying at the Travel Lodge (Povey Cross) on the 2nd. I would defo be up for a beverage somewhere - that would be great - Mick'll be there, but that's ok, he can buy the bevvies! I will pm you closer to the time. . . which reminds me, I had a dream about you this morning! It was very strange - but you worked in my building and we were all on the roof terrace (not that my work has a roof terrace, but for the purposes of my dream it did!) and you were there having lunch with your mum and I was with my friends, and although I had seen your face before around the building I had never put two and two together, but I was listening to you and your mum chatting and you mentioned double dipping food (!) which was something I had (in my dream) remembered you mentioning your hatred for on your diary! So I said "excuse me, are you Minky Dinky?" and you rolled your eyes and said "yes, another follower" like some famous person, I clapped my hands with glee, like some star struck person and you came over and gave me an air kiss on each cheek - I was all gushy and then I woke up - how weird.

Anyway, maybes thats why I thought I would check in on you at lunchtime today - I only just remembered it.

Man, am I the first to have a Minky Dinky related dream?! Please feel free to distance yourself from me Minks, I wouldn't blame you....!

Charley that killed me!! That is so funny! Unfortunately I don't work in your building :( but ah, that's really made me smile! Was feeling a bit pants earlier and you have literally lifted my mood. Weird and crazy dream, but all in the good sense!

Defo up for meeting and would be lovely to meet Mick too xxx
Any of those options sound great to me, only after work date I currently can't do is 16th of may. As much as I'd love to meet you both, mcfly win that battle ;)

Ahh I love a bit of McFly! That's my first week in new job so maybe the week after might work? How about the Tuesday?xx

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Any of those options sound great to me, only after work date I currently can't do is 16th of may. As much as I'd love to meet you both, mcfly win that battle ;)

Another mcfly fan?! Jo went and saw them recently, they are defo my guilty pleasure! Xx
I've tried soaking it and everything but it doesn't soften in the slightest. So gonna leave a scar :( xx

Is it leathery? I wonder if its necrotic tissue rather than a scab. Have you been back to the chemist/gp? Not in a scary way but just to get it checked xx

Oh and I love McFly too, got tickets to see them at Wembley on 18th :D
The McFly boys are very cute, not too much my cuppa, but very talented. Did you see that you tube clip of Tom's wedding speech/song, it had me in tears!
I think I know his speech off by heart! ;) xx

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His speech was amazing! Danny is easily my favourite. I've also met them, and recently saw Danny & Dougie in London whilst I was out having a drink in town. They're lovely lads.
Well thats bloody great, and I will do that - we are going to Barbados on 3rd August, so we will be staying at the Travel Lodge (Povey Cross) on the 2nd. I would defo be up for a beverage somewhere - that would be great - Mick'll be there, but that's ok, he can buy the bevvies! I will pm you closer to the time. . . which reminds me, I had a dream about you this morning! It was very strange - but you worked in my building and we were all on the roof terrace (not that my work has a roof terrace, but for the purposes of my dream it did!) and you were there having lunch with your mum and I was with my friends, and although I had seen your face before around the building I had never put two and two together, but I was listening to you and your mum chatting and you mentioned double dipping food (!) which was something I had (in my dream) remembered you mentioning your hatred for on your diary! So I said "excuse me, are you Minky Dinky?" and you rolled your eyes and said "yes, another follower" like some famous person, I clapped my hands with glee, like some star struck person and you came over and gave me an air kiss on each cheek - I was all gushy and then I woke up - how weird.

Anyway, maybes thats why I thought I would check in on you at lunchtime today - I only just remembered it.

Man, am I the first to have a Minky Dinky related dream?! Please feel free to distance yourself from me Minks, I wouldn't blame you....!

aaah this did make me laugh...especially the bit where minky "rolled her eyes and said yes - another follower" lol.
dreams are so amusing at times...but nuts at the same time x