MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

@Claire -- I feel as if my life usually very dull and non-productive and I do not do enough. I read all of Shanny's fitness activities, a lot of the people on this forum have jobs (some more than one), busy social lives, jobs and families, etc. I find it difficult to keep up without working -- although, when I first joined the forum I was working. I guess you adjust. I feel exhausted when I read of your many trips to the NHS "hotel" and think about every day taking care of "madam" is such a challenge. And, she is growing and it will be become more and more of a challenge. Hugs -- to you both.

lol on a day to day basis i feel like me butt hardly gets off the sofa

i guess when we write down everything weve acctually done, it suddenly seems alot more than we imagined we had done
What I am doing instead of eating...

Today started slowly -- which after being a bit lazy yesterday was not a good thing.

However, I did bathe the dog, clean the ensuite throughly, shower, dress, grocery shop, cook a nice dinner, and tidy up. My DH and I also did laundry together and I put most of it away.

No exercise -- unless you count scrubbing. LOL

But, I will set my alarm for O'Dark 30 and try to get up to go to the gym to do at least 3 (hopefully, 4) miles on the teadmill... before DD gets up for school and my duty day begins.

Tomorrow is my official CD weigh in. Fingers crossed.

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What I was doing instead of eating...


Did cleaned the kitchen floor and tidied up. Some laundry, vacuuming (vacuum making noises, not good).

Went to see CDC -- she shows a 4 pound loss. I had two on my scales, but now our scales say the same thing, and either way I met my first mini-goal of being below 11.5. It is slow going, but I am losing steadily for the most part, so it's all good.

Popped into my beauty salon hoping to get a "drop in" but the beauty therapist had just left. So, I made an appt. for this morning. I'll try to get some exercise and chores done before going to the appt. and errands competed afterwards.

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What I am doing instead of eating...

Tuesday, 25/1/11

Got up, got DD off to school, folded some laundry, and was on the computer, went to my "beauty appt" -- and the technician was late (not me for once!) -- and left my appt. feeling unfit for public viewing, so passed on the errands and went home to tend things. Have been a bit slack on that front -- so, I am going to have to get busy.


Did some stepping with my aerobic step while watching "Glee" (recorded it). About 45 minutes of stepping and used hand weights for 30 of it.

Ran errands (post office, petrol station), made dinner, sorted DD for school tomorrow (homework, cheerleading kit, lunch made), did some laundry, dishes -- the usual.
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What I did instead of eating...

Actually, I had a very hungry day. I was STARVING all day. I managed to stay pretty much on programme, but it was struggle. As I am in ketosis and should not feel physical hunger I had think about what was what.

I am very upset about a family situation -- one that I am powerless to "fix" (I am a fixer, also know as a buttinski.) I am going to have to work on accepting the situation and stop letting it eat me up -- or rather not eating to "feel better".

My neighbour was knackered from Monday's Aquafit (she is in her 70s and has decided to go only once a week), so we passed on going today. Instead we had a nice walk with the little dog and I took my first photo for the website (fat-to-fit-foto). The theme was "arranged" and one of the people on our street has very "arranged" flower boxes.

There is a Thursday morning Aquafit with the kick a$# instructor, so I am hoping to get myself to that -- and then try a Rosemary Conley Zumba Class on Saturday morning. That would make 3 exercise sessions this week -- not counting the little walks and stepping to "Glee".

I am hoping to get some portion pots and diet info for after I get to goal. (I am losing so slowly this time, as compared to when I did LL. I am thinking that it will take me 10+ weeks to lose half the weight that I lost in 12 on LL.)

I did some laundry, vacuuming (I so want a new vaccum), dishes, a bit "spring cleaning" in the kitchen, some paper shredding, ran a couple of errands, had a friend drop by for a coffee, picked up DD from her activity, and watched the "Crash Diet" show and "Gray's".

I should really go to bed and try to sleep, but I have never been very good at that (going to bed or sleeping).

Hi Mel,

would you say you are an overeater or an emotional eater? Without going into what got you upset..I wonder if, even if one isn't eating the urge to do so is triggered by older patterns?

Glad you stayed with it though and though its a much slower process than on LL it sounds as if it is steady and you don't have as much as you had to loose?

Hi Bel,

I know now that when I am angry or upset I actually "feel" hungry. I discovered this when I did LL. I had been going to the meetings and doing the homework -- but it wasn't until I was having a bad argument with my teenage son and all of a sudden I was ravenous --at that moment, I realized that for years I'd been swallowing my emotions by forcing them back with food. I stopped the argument cold -- and told my son what I was feeling and said, "If YOU are embarassed by me being overweight and looking slovenly; if YOU are worried about the effects that being overweight has on my health; if YOU wish I could be a more energetic mom for your younger sister, etc. then stop aggravating me and learn to communicate in a less advisarial manner."

I told him, "If you treated me better, I might be able to treat myself better. I might be able to stop overeating out of anger." He actually listened and was more supportive after that. We have had our moments since then, there were quite a few over the past year when we butted heads, but our relationship seems to be better than ever. (He is growing up!:))

Anyway, I made the big weight gain in 1994 - 95 because I moved to the UK and suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Once it diagonosed and I did what I could to deal with the condition I stopped gaining, but I was never able to lose the 3 stone entirely, and the 1 to 1.5 that I did lose (over and over again)always came back.

I lost all the weight doing LL -- got back to what I weighed when I got off the plane in 1994 -- 133 (and then even lost a few more pounds, which was less than I had weighed since before I had my son). But, I knew enough to know that it would not stay off if I did not change my eating habits (food choices and quantities) and continue exercising at least three times a week.

I kept it off for some time (almost a year), and first thing to go was the fitness classes (bad snow lots of cancellations -- but I could have done something at home: I just did not). Then, it became bigger portions, second helpings, boredom eating, social eating, etc.

I would say to myself (about the pound or two a month I gained)"It's not that bad, I was little too thin. My clothes still fit. When I get to ... I will go on a diet." And, so forth. This continued until I was back up over a stone. Then I yoyo'd for most of 2010 -- making big jumps when on holiday and not taking it all back off. I ended up having gained about half of the 5 stone I lost back before I accepted that I was going to have to go back to square one and do a committed programme in order to get it all off and start with a fresh slate working on maintaining my weight and fitness.

I am not losing as fast this time, but I did not expect to do so. So, although it is going to take me almost as long to lose 2.5 stone as it did to lose 5 I am going to try to do this without skipping any steps in the "refeeding" and "food managment process", and I am slowly integrating exercise and really trying to make it things that I can do independantly of a class/instructor, etc.

I AM going to give the Wii and Wiifit a try. Get the "craft/excercise room" sorted so that I can use the elliptical. Use the aerobic step and pedometer for free steps, then use my stepper, jump rope, Shapers walking shoes, and so forth. I need to make Fitness a part of day and has to be totally integrated. Then it will be more sustainable.

The food part should not be as difficult as it was -- I seldom drink alcohol, and only diet soda (and not a lot of that). I eat a low fat diet in general. We chose low GI foods (whole wheat bread, pasta, and Basmati rice, bean threads, etc.). We eat a lot of salads, veggies, the closer to fresh or steamed the better -- not a lot of processed foods. I do have sweet tooth and was over indulgent with regards to that -- but portion control is my downfall. I usually ate fresh heathy good food -- I just ate too much.

When I am at a bmi of 23, because of my size and age, I only need 1400 calories a day to maintain my weight. If you put the fuel needed to run a 6L Jeep in a Corsa - the overfill has to go somewhere: in my case on my bum and thighs! So, it is time to drain the tank... put less in and burn off the excess!

In the interest of "burning" I am going to have a green tea, some water and do some fitness and move on to do my chores, etc.

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I am stealing a "page" from JanelleKay

JanelleKay decided to write out all her challenges, goals and mini-goals in her diary... as her signature was getting crowded and she wanted to see it all broken down. I think this is a fab idea, and am going to do the same.

Weight Loss Goals:

First Goal: Getting down to 11 1/2 st ! (161lbs) Done:D
Second Goal:Getting into the 10 sts! (153lbs)
January Challenge: Lose 12lbs (-6) (153lbs)
Third Goal: Getting to 10 1/2 st! (147lbs)
Valentines Day Challenge: Lose 19lbs (-6) (145 lbs)
Fourth Goal: Getting to 10 st! (140lbs)
Fifth Goal: Getting to 9 1/2 st! (133lbs)
Lifetime Goal: Maintaining between 9st4 and 9st12 -- never seeing 10st again!!! (130 to 138lbs)

Fitness Goals:

Do the Fat-to-Fit-Foto Challenge every day by walking the dog and taking the photo: Minimum 30 mins. brisk walking daily (approx. 2 miles).

Work out at home or in a class 3 x a week.

Try to do 10 miles of extra walking per week (Viva la Diva's Challenge is 20 -- but I am finding that too big a challenge ATM).

Personal/Home Project Goals:

Finish scrapbook for neice
Sew Project for B
Alter DD's curtains
Alter clothing in basket
as one is done I'll add another, otherwise this list would go on forever...

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Ooh good plan. (I love a good plan!!!)
What I did instead of eating...

Got up with good intentions... to work out. Did not :( -- had coffee, porridge, :rolleyes: and did and big deal mouth rinse, brush and floss before showering, dressing and going to the dentist. :sigh:

Had my check up and cleaning :)... need to filling in the back replaced and need a new one in a front tooth.:sigh: I will call on Monday and book the back tooth, but think I will wait on the front one long enough to have my teeth Zoom Whitened before getting it done. :eek:

It looks like I can get it done in London for about what they charge in the US. So, I may not wait until I go to San Antonio -- I may just make an appointment and go get it done. I have a friend that might be interested in going with me and getting it done, too. :eek:

-- The rest of my day was

Got the car washed (not the best job -- but it is better) :(

Dropped some things off at the thrift store (clutter out - I am working on this big time) :)

Got money from bank for Vacuum repair :sigh:

Vacuum cleaner fixed (not cheap) but works fab! :) DH was not as upset about the money spent either. :)

Had two friends drop in for coffee and chat. :) At different times, and it was quite nice to see them both. :) Although one was a bit down. :sigh:

Helped DD fill out birthday greetings to mail on our walk. :)

Worked on the laundry some :eek:

Took a 2 mile walk with DD and DH and LD (Little Dog) :)

Made dinner, had my soup and thought, "What did I do all day?" :sigh:

Now, I will take a hot bath and read my book. :) I was waiting for DS and friend to go to the cinema (did not want to get nekkid even with door locked with two teenage boys a wall away... LOL). ;)

Hi Bel,

I know now that when I am angry or upset I actually "feel" hungry.

This is a great insight and its happens even with ketosis..I do not so much feel hungry but I have a strong urge to eat and to eat something quickly..my major trigger is tiredness and boredom for some reason I feel them both in my belly and there is a strong desire or urge to eat. I have to watch boredom because its a greater trigger than tiredness.

Hi Bel,

I need to make Fitness a part of day and has to be totally integrated. Then it will be more sustainable.


Amen sister to that..it can't be a bolt on extra if one wants sustainability. Saturday morning is when i do my weekly review, my fitness aspect isn't part of the day..it slips and slides and then kinda slides out of the day...i walk, for sure I walk, but that is not fitness, not really..its pretend fitness while listening to a novel on my ipod..but speaking of novels do you listen to them?

but speaking of novels do you listen to them?


I can and do when on long trips and quite enjoy many of the ones I've listened to while on the road.

My DH often uses my Ipod to listen to the Harry Potter books that I loaded on it... but I am a very tactile person. I like the way books feel; I enjoying holding the book; turning the pages; reading the words and hearing the voices in my head... (that last bit sounded a little crazy).

My DD just received a Kindle from my father (late Christmas present). I am going to see how I like reading on it -- it would be so handy to have the "next" book right there. But, then I so love going into the book store and looking through the titles, reading the back of the book, etc. I am looking forward to visiting a Barnes and Nobles when I am in San Antonio.


@Shanny, Thank you for all your support and advice.

It's the weekend... I joined Rosemary Conley today. There is special on their website: pay for five classes and get your membership kit free. There were several joiners this morning.

In my joining kit: I was given a magazine, portion pots (I was shocked at how little a portion of spaghetti was). I compared the PP to my American measuring cups when I got home... and I think they are 1/3, 1/2, 1 and 1.5 cup measurements.

I was also given a measuring tape that has little colour coded clips -- you take your first measurements and use say one red clip for your bust, another colour for your waist, etc. When you remeasure and there is a reduction you use the other clip in the same colour for the same measurement area. You never move the first clip and you will over time see the difference increase. I think this would be very motivational.

I was also given 3 books for different phases of the diet and a DVD. The RC diet is a low GI diet, no surprise there. But, I was surprised that the RC diet starts you off at 1200 calories and day for two weeks, then you move up to 1400 for three and then get "assessed" to find out what your "personal" allotment of calories should be. I asked how the diet could be one size fits all... as when I had a bmi of 23, I was informed that to maintain my weight without a lot of activity I only needed 1400 calories a day. I wasn't given a satisfactory answer to my question. I doubt I'd lose much weight on this diet.

They also suggested that you do a minimum of 30 minutes of activity 7 days a week.

There is not an RC in my immediate area (there was some briefly but they vanished.) So, I picked Saturday to travel towards Cambridge on the A14 (the nearest classes are located east of here). I also chose this class because it was a Zumba class, and it was being held right by the large Tescos. So, I will either shop before or after the class (which is 9:30 to 11) and that will be very handy.

Anyway, it was a good experience and I look forward to next Saturday's Zumba class.

So, I will do Aquafit Monday nights and Zumba Saturday mornings... so, I think I may make the Wednesday Aquafit my third "minimum" activity. I want to do a fitness class or workout at least 3X a week.

I heard that all the new gym equipment is installed on the AF base. I am going to find out if they have power plate now.

Evening Mel I'm glad you got all your items I must dig out my measuring tapes, as I like how they are colour coded.I will do that tomorrow morning infact.

I'm also interested in aquafit but really need the weather to warm up, as I am so cold this week it's not even funny !

Hope you have a warm evening!
I'm off to the cinemas tonight x
Hi Shanny --

I hope you have a good evening -- what are you seeing?

I have one of those little towel things to wrap my hair in - and I wear sweat pants and sweat shirt home... and then jump in a hot shower and shampoos my hair when I get there. I rinse off at the pool, but my hair is so thick that without a power shower -- there is not chance of getting the shampoo out of it.

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