MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

And do you know how many postal you need to be a gold member?
I thought Id read it in this thread, but can't find it now!
Hi JanelleKay,

It is 1500 posts to view the Gold Forum. You are pretty close.

I think my Coachee is doing okay -- I have been in touch with her mom (for other reasons) and have sent her a couple of texts. I plan on popping in where she works today to just say. "Hi!"

She'll have her first weigh-in on Tuesday. And, I plan on checking in to get the "good news" and shower praise upon her! And, I feel confident that it'll be "good news".

Thanks for that.1500 - so yep I'm almost there!

If I post a lot over the weekend I might make it by Monday!
Glad to hear about your coachee. Definitely let us know how she gets on at WI

I did it!
Hi Janellekay and Bess --

I'll look and see if i can find your new diaries on Gold.

Welcome home, Shanny.

I guess you survive your camping experience. Are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?

I'm okay. Not being the best re: the weight loss programme, and I am going to plan my fitness (Day 9 Beck).

I did tackle some of the clutter in my DD's room with her this afternoon. It's a big job -- as she likes to keep everything, but keeps havig birthdays and Christmases! We have three carrier bags to go out -- so, far.

We also ran to the shop and picked up some groceries. She'll need to take a bath and have me wash her hair (it is long and thick). We'll make her lunch tonight and check her backpack to make sure she is set for school tomorrow.

I am looking forward to getting this next week done and dusted, then hopefully we'll settle into a routine that will last until the end of school. It is hard to plan when everything is up in the air as it has been this half-term.

hey mel, thanks for the email. im alright and ive finally updated my diary, lol
@Claire -- Glad to read it. I'll go check it now.

Afternoon Ying,

How are you and your coachee doing? I bet you are excitedly awaiting her first WI. With you mentoring her, I am sure she will do very well.

Hope everything is good with you and your family :D

Hi Chels --

I am looking forward to getting a text from Coachee tonight after she weighs in. I will remind her to have her mum adjust her magic measure, too. I will be picking her up tomorrow so we can visit a Slimming World (she is happy with WW, but Beck recommends a back up diet). I will ask to see her ARCs and workbook at that time.

I think she is doing well and not finding things too difficult atm. I hope that she is working the Beck as she'll need tools to stay on the programme for the long haul and maintain her losses.


P.S. Thanks for the kind words regarding my support. I will do what I can to help, but it is really up to her. So, far she seems determined!
Hi Mel :D

Hope you have a good day today :)
Thanks CP -- I should be getting stuff done. I have been shopping on line for a ball gown (I have several and some I never worn... and I think they might fit). I need to try what I have. But, I just learned the theme is Pirates of the Caribbean and I'm thinking, "Hummm what will work?"

Ooh, a ball gown. Lovely!

I don't know what to suggest that won't ruin the chic look! Maybe some feathers in your hair?
Thanks CP -- I think I'll try on what I have and then if I can work with one of the dresses I own. I am going to try and find a parrot, though! LOl
Morning Mel! I know you're posting in that other diary sneaky lady :p:8855:
Hi Mel - how about a fashion show of the dresses you have? Don't ask for much do I? Hope you're well honey. xx