MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.


Hi --

Thought I'd post on the diary that is not on the Gold Forum (the link to that one is in my signature).

Last night was DD's Year 7 Meet the Form Tutor. She was lovely and the head of year, who is DD's science teacher, joined us. They had lovely things to say about DD (she is lovely) and seem very supportive of her special needs.

She has an auditory processing problem and uses special equipment. It was not diagnosed until she was in Year 3, and so she was in Year 4 before the equipment was in place. She spent all that time in school unable to hear... and everyone thinking she was dim.

She is behind, but working on catching up. She has socialisation issues because of her hearing, speech and language delays, and shyness... but it seems as if these ladies will endevour to help her make some friends. (She is very lonely.)

It was a good meeting (for once)!

I just read through a Lilly-esque poster's diary (i.e. inspirational and educational).


She (Illa) has inspired me to dig out my Shred and try to do it.

So, after spending ages on this forum today -- I am going to drink some water and attempt to Shred. Then, I am going to do some housework and wait for the groomer to call me to come and pick up the little dog.

After that I have to return a vacuum I bought at Tescos Wednesday night-- as the one appliance you would want to s*ck does not! (Actually it smelled as if the motor wa overheating, even my son said so -- I had to air out the house after five minutes of use. Scary!)

Oh yeah, I need to make dinner for DD, DH and DS, too.
So I've started to read the 56 pages of the diary :) haven't finished yet because NOW i'm headed for the Shred...
Your first post about emptying the dishwasher was hilarious, and I loved the idea of writing what we are doing instead of eating....today I was soooo lazy I just facebooked, minimimed, and gmailed....couldn't get away from the computer....then when kids got home I made 3 meals in 20 MINUTES, that's efficiency !
Did you like the fitness shoes you bought (a long time ago ? ) I met a friend yesterday who loves them, and now I can't get my mind out of them....
Did you ever have a scrapbooking blog ? mine is in my profile but not updated since the start of my diet.

I love the positive energy coming from your diary, you Americans have this capacity to see the positive side of life that I like very very much.
Hi Illa,

I think I already mentioned that I started this as a chat thread, but people lost interest after a time, so I just sort of took it on as diary... but there is a thread going now, where people are posting what they should be doing instead being on MMs!!! It is pretty funny. The person who started it is a school administrator and she was at work -- and it is only the first couple weeks of the school year! :8855:

I do like the shoes, but they can be very tricky to used to at first (they actually come with a DVD)! I also have two pairs of the tone-up sandals and I live in those (so comfy). I am looking at the running shoes they now make, and those look a little less weird. Plus, you can use those for a lot of fitness classes, I think.

Three meals in 20 minutes -- do your kids all eat the same stuff, or did you make three actual separate meals? Either way, a lot of work doen quickly.

I am not sure what a scrapbooking blog is... so, no I've never had one.

Today, I was on here a lot. ;) Did some laundry. Took the dog to and from the groomers. Chatted with a friend in person, another on the phone, practiced piano for about 1/2 hour, made dinner for DH, DS and DD... oh,and did a little internet shopping. :rolleyes:

I hope you havea good weekend.

Well done, Illa.

I have already had to friends "cop out" on going to the Weight Watchers meeting with me (I joined to support them... ugh!) -- I kind of told them both that I am no longer "counting on them".

I had DD read to me from her project book before she left for school. I practiced my piano (I started lessons not to long ago). Am dressed to work out (and so I shall). Now, I need to leave to go and weigh at the WW meeting, stop and return the defective vacuum cleaner on the way back and pick up some fruit, then do my "Monday" chores (plus planned fitness).

On the taking care of myself front: I gave myself a mini-pedi yesterday, put heel softener on my feet before my gym socks, and moisterised my face. I will not bother with make-up or anything hair-wise as I need to work out.
good luck on your day Minnie ;) My house looks like a mess but it's actually easy to clean, thanks to the deep cleaning I made when coming back from vacations, it's really easy to manage; of course the areas I did not deep clean are a shame to show (the kouids room and the scraproom) but I intend on doing this soon too. And the basement is just awful...I need to motivate myself as I have a friend who is coming over in a couple of weeks to spiritually clean my house...seems to involve many thinks to prepare, not sure where she is headed...anyway I feel this house to be haunted since the beginning and I need to get rid of all the bad (awful) things that happened in this house...it's actually draining my energy. So we'll see...
wow i totally thought i had posted on here! lol i had read through the other day, but i tried to find you on my subscriptions.. and well you get the picture lol.. :p cant wait to hear about youre weigh in good luck! :D
Hi Illa and PP (hee hee) --

157.4 (that is 2.6 pounds off!)
that is great, you'll be there in no time. You know how it is actually motivating to find someone who is smaller than you are and who wants to lose weight ? because I'm starting to feel like Claudia Schiffer after these 40something pounds lost, my lose pants, my fitting boots, and I'm by no means a Claudia Schiffer, I'm still FAT, have a BMI superior to 25, 39% of fat.....so I have a lot of work to do still !
yaayyy!! congrats! im so excited for you :) hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

I managed to break out the WiiFit and do 30 minutes on cardio with MyFitnessCoach. I have had the WiiFit for almost two years (I think) and this is the second time I have used this "game". I was sweating by the time I finished and someone it calculate my "burn" and said that I burned 110 calories.

I have been 100% with no snacks between meals -- I still have some water to drink -- but have had over 2L... let's hope I can keep it up.
2.1lb lost already :) i had a sneeky look and i'm 3 down from last nights weight. going to try not to go on the scales now. i think i'm going to use it as a surprise.
2.1lb lost already :) i had a sneeky look and i'm 3 down from last nights weight. going to try not to go on the scales now. i think i'm going to use it as a surprise.

Told ya so... you always do soooo well. You go girl! Get the Zumab Gold ready and go and whip some old folks into shape!
whip some old folks into shape lol. that's if they dare turn up again for week 2! :)
Nikki -- Be careful, you might be accused of elder abuse! ;):8855:
hope youre doing well have a great day today :)
The sun is out and shining here... so, that always lifts my spirits. I need to get busy with my fitness, chores, errands, etc.

Not sure where the morning has gone.
i think i frightened my oldies off. none of the 5 came back but 2 of my thursday ladies came. they loved it more as i get to talk and direct rather than point. did a different take and talked about the dances, also did them a couple of times so they got to know them more. just hope it was the sunny day that stopped my last weeks group coming back and not cause it was my first ever gold class and i made a few mistakes.