MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

Morning Mel - hope you have a lovely day at the baby shower and manage to fit all the pressies in the car. How good of you to bring her there and back, nice to have the company too on a drive. Have fun chuck. xx

Thanks Yvonne...

Not everyone has a convertible Mini! ;)

I wil be driving my American Ford Focus (more like a Mondeo) and the rear seat folds down, it has a huge boot.

But if anyone was bringing something really huge -- I also have an Jeep Cherokee and a Honda Odyssey(16 foot long people mover). We bought both the Jeep (1996) and the van (1999) new -- and now they are really old and beat --but they just won't die!

It is cheaper to keep them MOT'd and insured that to rent a van or car when we would need one. Although, DH and I think we should unload one or the other... however, we are convinced that the minute we get rid of one: the other will die! :8855:
Hey!! You sound like you have a full, productive day ahead :). I used to be addicted to handbags too.. Then i just started making my own lol, saved me loads :p. So still pretty jealous that you can go to a baskin robbins and stuff lol. Not that id have one........ :D . I hope you have fun today, be safe on your trip :)
Ha Ha - you'd be surprised what can fit into a Mini - my brother was horrified when I put a 7" Christmas tree in it (sticking out the back with the roof down of course)!
Minz said:
Ha Ha - you'd be surprised what can fit into a Mini - my brother was horrified when I put a 7" Christmas tree in it (sticking out the back with the roof down of course)!

I looooove minis.. defo my dream car :D
03/11/2011 Reunification Day!

This was on a FBF's page:


Now it all makes so much sense!
From another FFB's (Facebook Friend's) wall --

This should be sewn into al teenage male clothing items:



My a little journey went well last night: I down to North London for a baby shower. I left with plenty of time to spare, had to wait on the mum-to-be for about 10-15 minues as she was not quite ready.

We even managed to circle back once we were headed south (about 3 miles into our journey) when we got a call that the trains weren't running to pick up another attendee. That took about 20 minutes to get her and get back to the point where we turned aound. AND We were still the first to arrive! This is unheard from me!!! Although, people who think I am always late do not realised that if I am bringing someone else, then I am not late. I will not "make" someone else late.

Weird, but I think what it is -- is that if I am transporting someone else, then I am already committed to doing something for someone, so the other things I get asked to do for others -- I can say, "No!" to doing. But, if it is "just me", I don't. So, I end up late because I HAVE to do this or that for someone before I go. I really need to work on this!

It was a nice evening out, the food was lovely but so bad (white bread sandwiches, cupcakes, scones, chocolate dipped strawberries, lemonade and tea). I tried to keep a handle on it and had some soup when I got home at 10 (after dropping off the other guest and mum to be).

I volunteered to drive because I could see carrying the gifts back on the tube/train, etc. and the mum to be is in her 8th month. Plus it was sooo hot - and I cranked up the AC in the car! ;) Glad I did drive, as the place was quite far from the nearest tube stop... and, of course, the train was cancelled! We'd have had to drive anyway, only it would have not been planned!
hello Mel, interesting insights about being late ;) I'm actually late because I took the habit from my husband, now we are the type to arrive at 11.30 PM for a new year's eve ! I won't comment because I hate being late....but oh well as Bettie says in my thread, do some bouddhist philosphy here ;)

So what have I been doing instead of eating ? So as monday is cleaning day, I cleaned my house, but due to high cleaning from last week, it took me a little more than an hour for the whole house. It took a little more than expected because we've brought back so much sand from the sea (yes we went again). Then I decided it was time to burn the sage a friend gave me, in order to bring positive energy in the house. So I did that for about another hour, while putting some zen music. Then I started computer files saving and organising, haven't been doing this for ages and I really need to back up files, organized my Reader, Mails, Favorites....It's incredible how much stuff you don't remember you had...and useful ones ! Then I went biking, and buy something for my daughter, which will be brought tonight be the toothfairy. Did not want to give money again, so I bought a stone doughnut. And now I'm enjoying my soup, filled with fresh basil. ANd then when the kids get back we'll have to make homework, and a liquid soap for school. Then maybe we'll get out to have a dessert (well not for me obviously) and I need to fit the shred in my schedule. I'm confident ;) Of course did not do half of what was planned but still I WILL feel happy.

Wow, I am tried just reading your post! You are so organised and get so much accomplished. I am glad that you got back to the seaside. It was beach weather here in the UK, but I did not want to fight the crowds. I can see how someone as on top of things as your are would be driven crazy by a partner who is habitually late. My DH will leave me and go on his own -- as he too hates to be late! So, that makes me be on time when I am with him! ;)


My a little journey went well last night: I down to North London for a baby shower. I left with plenty of time to spare, had to wait on the mum-to-be for about 10-15 minues as she was not quite ready.

We even managed to circle back once we were headed south (about 3 miles into our journey) when we got a call that the trains weren't running to pick up another attendee. That took about 20 minutes to get her and get back to the point where we turned aound. AND We were still the first to arrive! This is unheard from me!!! Although, people who think I am always late do not realised that if I am bringing someone else, then I am not late. I will not "make" someone else late.

Weird, but I think what it is -- is that if I am transporting someone else, then I am already committed to doing something for someone, so the other things I get asked to do for others -- I can say, "No!" to doing. But, if it is "just me", I don't. So, I end up late because I HAVE to do this or that for someone before I go. I really need to work on this!

It was a nice evening out, the food was lovely but so bad (white bread sandwiches, cupcakes, scones, chocolate dipped strawberries, lemonade and tea). I tried to keep a handle on it and had some soup when I got home at 10 (after dropping off the other guest and mum to be).

I volunteered to drive because I could see carrying the gifts back on the tube/train, etc. and the mum to be is in her 8th month. Plus it was sooo hot - and I cranked up the AC in the car! ;) Glad I did drive, as the place was quite far from the nearest tube stop... and, of course, the train was cancelled! We'd have had to drive anyway, only it would have not been planned!

hey there MM lol :p.. glad to hear that you had a good time yesterday :). i dread going to london, cause everytime ive gone its been to leave my sweetie :(. good to hear that you had some kind of willpower not to eat all the goodies at the shower :). id like to say i wouldve done the same but im not so sure about that.. though i tend to eat as little as possible (even if im still hungry after) when at parties and stuff.. ive always been afraid of people looking and going 'whys that cow eating!' lol one day ill be over that though *fingers crossed* :D
Glad you enjoyed the baby shower and lucky you drove eh? xx

No kidding... I'm glad I was able to go, because the mum to be would have missed it or been really late with the train cancellation. And she does not drive and would have been dropped off by her husband. And, the friend has just started driving, so would not have ventured to London. They would have had to call Mum to Be DH to come back to the train and fetch them to drive them down.


Wow, I am tried just reading your post! You are so organised and get so much accomplished. I am glad that you got back to the seaside. It was beach weather here in the UK, but I did not want to fight the crowds. I can see how someone as on top of things as your are would be driven crazy by a partner who is habitually late. My DH will leave me and go on his own -- as he too hates to be late! So, that makes me be on time when I am with him! ;)


Mel I am an all or nothing girl. If I slip and eat, I'll consider my life to be "over" anyway so that'll put me put into mindless internet"ing" and I won't do a thing....unfortunately ...
I'm also very hormon driven, and this is the time of the month when I'm energetic and quite positive...that'll last for 10 day approximately ;) I'm not hardy either so good habits don't stay too long with me ;) Wish I would change that:sigh:
Thanks Illa -- It went well.

I managed to get over 3 litres of water in -- and be 100% with the CD programme. I also worked out a bit at home. I was hoping to do an Aquafit but could not reach DH to confirm that he would pick up DD from the pool (she has a swim lesson right before Aquafit). I did book a Fitball class for tomorrow morning -- so, planned fitness! :) Not tons done here in the house (lots of fruit cut up for DS, some ironing, some laundry, dishes, a couple of phone calls), but I did get some errands accomplished. Tomorrow after Fitness and before DD gets home from school (as she has a project she needs to work on) -- I'll have to make a real effort.
Well done Mel, especially with the water - I find it sooo hard to drink enough water and then by the time evening comes I try make up for it and then am up and down like a fiddlers elbow, to the loo during the night. Geez, when will i learn!
@Minz -- It must be so difficult when you are at work. You do not want to running to loo and in some cases you can't. I just make sure that every time I have the opportunity I go... because all that water can hit me all of a sudden and then I am like Pam... trying not to "drown a snake". ;)
@Minz -- It must be so difficult when you are at work. You do not want to running to loo and in some cases you can't. I just make sure that every time I have the opportunity I go... because all that water can hit me all of a sudden and then I am like Pam... trying not to "drown a snake". ;)
I'm between two loos on my floor, so I tend to use them alternate times so that people don't think I'm looking for snakes to drown! :D
That works -- and all the steps to and from is Spontaneous Fitness! ;)