Silver Member
Morning yous lot 
Bloody heck man, got weighed on Saturday morning and i gained 1.5lb last week. Grrrrrrrr. I did have a binge on Wednesday though and didn't go to the gym all week (or at all over the weekend) so I'm with you Bella and we'll get our little butts back into gear this week. Ive been terrible ths weekend for grub and voddy so really need to get me finger back out as it's less than 5 weeks till my hols. Am hoping is am really really good I can get down to 11st. Am doing 3 days of pure protien to cancell out the weekend and take it from there, as its my weigh in at the docs on Thursday morning and I want thm to be impressed haha. Then for the next 5 weeks i'll have a few days a week pure protien and the rest SW and try hit the gym 5 times a week. Really work my butt off. Then I can chill on holiday and eat and drink what I like then get back to reality upon my return.
Annyhoo... Was just reading all your posts, so time for a bit of a ctach up...
Bella - I agree with the girls, sounds like the baby shower was complete success. Party Planning would be such a cool job. You should look into it. Even try it as a bit of a part time thing first for family and friends and see how it pans out. I lurve X-Factor and I am really liking the new judges. I think that Tulisa is a lovley lass and more gnuine and down to earth than Cheryl Cole and I think the others are going to be really funny and stir things up a bit. That Janet was amazing. Loved her voice. Really unique witch I adore. I dunno who that Kitty thought she was like. Good on her for having so much self esteem though haha. Cant wait till more of it next Saturday. Woop woop.
Stacey - That new cross stich is sooooo cute. Cant believe you are enduring another TOTM. Right when you thought it was going to be okay. Let us know what the docs say. I came off the pill completley about a year ago. At first my periods were all over the place and I never knew whe I would come on but they did settle down after a few months. I'm back on the pill again now though. Have you tried many diffrent ones? Did you enjoy ya pizza hut lunch? mmmmm, yummy.
Bin - How was the footy? Did they keep up that winning streak?
I didnt end up going to the wedding doo this Saturday night. The Adonis and I went out for a few cheeky drinks on Friday night but it ended up being a full on session so I was so worse for wear on Saturday. So he went out with the lads at 11.30 to watch the Newcastle match so I said for him to have a day with the boys and i'd have a girly afternoon in with his sis and my crazy next door neighbour (who is his sisters best mate) so the 3 of us had some drinks and watched x-factor and had a right giggle. It was funny coz his friends phones me up to say how much he loves me and can thay all go to Vagus for his stag do as they think he'll pop the question soon hahahahaha. I said he btter start saving for a nice big diamond ring then he can go haha.
Yesterday we chilled out with the kids and went to his sisters for a bit crack on. Then munchied last night and watched more Prison Break.
So all in all its been a canny weekend but ive neglected the old diet big time. New week though and 1 month till my holls so lets see what I can manage in a month.
Got a load of chicken breast for my lunch then its turky omlette for tea. 3 days of protien only here I come!!!!
I'm not in a working mood at all today but have so much to do, I really ought to get going, so i'll speak to you all soon me lovlies xxxx
Bloody heck man, got weighed on Saturday morning and i gained 1.5lb last week. Grrrrrrrr. I did have a binge on Wednesday though and didn't go to the gym all week (or at all over the weekend) so I'm with you Bella and we'll get our little butts back into gear this week. Ive been terrible ths weekend for grub and voddy so really need to get me finger back out as it's less than 5 weeks till my hols. Am hoping is am really really good I can get down to 11st. Am doing 3 days of pure protien to cancell out the weekend and take it from there, as its my weigh in at the docs on Thursday morning and I want thm to be impressed haha. Then for the next 5 weeks i'll have a few days a week pure protien and the rest SW and try hit the gym 5 times a week. Really work my butt off. Then I can chill on holiday and eat and drink what I like then get back to reality upon my return.
Annyhoo... Was just reading all your posts, so time for a bit of a ctach up...
Bella - I agree with the girls, sounds like the baby shower was complete success. Party Planning would be such a cool job. You should look into it. Even try it as a bit of a part time thing first for family and friends and see how it pans out. I lurve X-Factor and I am really liking the new judges. I think that Tulisa is a lovley lass and more gnuine and down to earth than Cheryl Cole and I think the others are going to be really funny and stir things up a bit. That Janet was amazing. Loved her voice. Really unique witch I adore. I dunno who that Kitty thought she was like. Good on her for having so much self esteem though haha. Cant wait till more of it next Saturday. Woop woop.
Stacey - That new cross stich is sooooo cute. Cant believe you are enduring another TOTM. Right when you thought it was going to be okay. Let us know what the docs say. I came off the pill completley about a year ago. At first my periods were all over the place and I never knew whe I would come on but they did settle down after a few months. I'm back on the pill again now though. Have you tried many diffrent ones? Did you enjoy ya pizza hut lunch? mmmmm, yummy.
Bin - How was the footy? Did they keep up that winning streak?
I didnt end up going to the wedding doo this Saturday night. The Adonis and I went out for a few cheeky drinks on Friday night but it ended up being a full on session so I was so worse for wear on Saturday. So he went out with the lads at 11.30 to watch the Newcastle match so I said for him to have a day with the boys and i'd have a girly afternoon in with his sis and my crazy next door neighbour (who is his sisters best mate) so the 3 of us had some drinks and watched x-factor and had a right giggle. It was funny coz his friends phones me up to say how much he loves me and can thay all go to Vagus for his stag do as they think he'll pop the question soon hahahahaha. I said he btter start saving for a nice big diamond ring then he can go haha.
Yesterday we chilled out with the kids and went to his sisters for a bit crack on. Then munchied last night and watched more Prison Break.
So all in all its been a canny weekend but ive neglected the old diet big time. New week though and 1 month till my holls so lets see what I can manage in a month.
Got a load of chicken breast for my lunch then its turky omlette for tea. 3 days of protien only here I come!!!!
I'm not in a working mood at all today but have so much to do, I really ought to get going, so i'll speak to you all soon me lovlies xxxx