Kassy - Your pasta dish sounds lovely! May have to try that sometime

I had a gorgeous pasta dish at Frankie & Benny's a few weeks back that I would like to try and recreate at home. It had chicken, pepperoni and pancetta in it, with a tomato sauce (quite a sweet sauce though), but was lovely!!
Oh and the dress is gorgeous! Would love to be able to wear something like that!
Bin - Thank you

Biology went well - I remembered most of it from before, so that was good!
Good on you with your 3 mile walk! Especially in the wind - I absolutely hate the wind! lol
Glad to hear you had such a good time at Lee Evans!!
And you are right - this year has just flown by!
Bella - glad you got to the doctor and she was nice

And that you are feeling more positive! I wish I had friends like you who know when I'm not being myself - but my friends seem to care more about themselves than people around them!!
Katierose - Well done on the 3lb loss!!! That's great!!
Well I'm currently not looking forward to going to sleep v soon! Saw a massive (no exaggeration!) spider RUN under my bed a wee while ago! Had to get the whole family in and they eventually managed to kill it, but you know that feeling where you just don't feel safe??? lol Well that's how I feel now!! I mean, what if it has family?? And apparently, my mum said it was jumping!!

So now I keep going all itchy and constantly looking round my room. Plus the fact that my little brother told me that the other day, when he was the only one in the house, he could hear someone moving around in my room - but there was no one here!!!
Biology class lastnight was really good! Straight into DNA! lol There's 2 girls in the class who I already know though, so that's nice
Been off work for the past 3 days and am back in tomorrow - really can't be bothered with it right now!! lol
Went a little bit of shopping yesterday and bought myself:
Rust spot sundress - Ballet Luxe - Looks & Features - Dorothy Perkins
and this top:
Buy Printed Tunic from the Next UK online shop
Really wanted a new pair of boots - but I have really big calves, so couldn't get any nice ones to fit me
Anyhoo, I suppose I really should attempt to go to bed soon since I'm up early tomorrow
Night all! Have a good weekend whatever you are getting up to! xxx