Morning Lasses
Diva - Hahahahahaha - food porn (that really made me chuckle). Those cupcakes sound lush. I love cupcakes. Yeah, pop a piccy up so we can see what you done. Wish I has your skill and motivation to bake suck wonderful things. A lass here at work makes them and puts marshmallows in her low fat ones and they look amazing.
Stacey - Huge hugs for you -000000000- (thats a huge hug btw hehe). You maybea little emotional as you tierd out coz you have been on the go so much. Don't think like that, you are a beautiful beautiful woman and plenty men out there will adore you, but you need to adore yourself first. Get that confidence shining through and men will fall at your feet. Its all about self-belief and self esteem, so work on that and you'll feel much more confident. I believe Gok Wan when he says "its all about the confidence".
Bin - Ooooooo, whats the presentation for at work. You might be 'papped' and end up in the paper hehe. Pleased you had fun at the footy and they won. Good luck for Sundays match! Hope you have another win. You should start Bella's 6 week challange and you are bound to lose a bit for the wedding. Even get a dress one size to small that you really like for thinsperation. You can do it. And I bet you dont look frumpy. Shopping is a nightmare though if your heads not in it.
Bella - I'm defo up for the chalange but will start when I get back to work on 6th October - that that gives me a 1 month chalange. I'll set my goal when I get back from holiday but will probally aim to lose 8lb in that full month. I think mini challanges are a great way to stay focused. As the next one we do can focus on maybe exercise, rather than pounds and it keeps things fresh and exciting.
Katierose - My good god! That is fantastic woman!!!!!!! You are doing bllod amazing. I bet you can really see it now too? What have you been eating on a typical day? You still go to the gym? i wush I could do VLCD but it leads me to binge each time.
Well girls, its the TOTM for me so as you can imagine am starvin marvin all the time and feel lacking in energy. Didnt go to gym last night and instead sat on the couch watching TV and ate 1/4 litre of mint ice cream after my tea and then 2 jaffa cakes. I could have kept going but luckily we ran out of nice food hahaha. So I feel guilty as sin today and still craving junk. Ive just had my breakfast (banana and mullerlight) but ate some velvet crisps (low fat rice cracker things) straight after and they were meant for my 11am snack. Its just another one of those hungry dys. I hate these.
Its starting to get mighty cold now isnt it? I am desperate for a winter wardrobe (as I was a size 18-20 this time last year) so as soon as I get back from holiday I am going to start buying something new each week. Need a warm jacket, new trousers, etc and sracf and gloves and stuff. Especially as I have a right treck to work and back everyday. Bring on the wellies!!!!
Eeeeeee, just 1 week tomrow till my holls. Wish I could get my head into gear doet wise. Trust me to have a wobble so close to my holiday. I cant improve my body in a week really anyway, so as long as I stay the smae i'll be happy, then concerntrate on losing again when I get back.
Ive been going to the sunbeds twice a week to prep my tan so that always makes you feel better and its coming along nicley hehe. Just 12mins a week (2 x 6 min sessions). Cant wait till am lying on that beach sipping (well, downing) cocktails hehe. Ive got myself all excited again now!!!!!!
My friend is home from Spain so am off out tonight (but just gonna stick to a few vods coz up for work first thing) so gotta keep away from the pizza shops in town! Then am out with her again tomorow night. She has had a bit of a thing going with the Adonis's friend while she been home visiying so the 4 of us going pubbing tomrow and me and her gonna get ready and have a few drinks togeather like we used to when we were 17 haha. She can drink more han me and is only 7 st wet through hahaha. I best prepare for a hangover on saturday

Well, am off to do my work but speal soon you lovley lot xxx