Morning All
Stacey - I have heard of Groupon. (Its great lasses, you should all sign up). I plan on getting the Adonis a trip away from that site when I get back, ready for his birthday as they had those log cabins on not long ago (home they get them back on). have you signed up for KGB Deals too? Thats very similar. Not to worry about your Pizza Hut, just get back on track when you are ready. A little of what we fancy does us the world of good anyway. I'll probaly share a pizza with one of th kids tmorow and fill up on salad but I'll have lashings of potato salad and coleslaw haha.
Aunty Tanya - woooopieeeee. Huge congrats to you and the family. A lovley bouncing baby boy. yes, let us know the name as soon as you find out. babies are soooooo cute. I'm still in 2 minds wether or not I want kids. I think if I don't i'll rgret it later down the line. But with me being 30 am at that age where I really should start to have a good think about what I want. I just love my own space too much. I take it you want children? Don't panic about your anxiety as it sound more like a virus to me which is probally setting your anxiety off. The prickly skin and cold sore makes it sound like a bug and you know those bugs - they bring on the water works. Hope you are feeling better soon hunny.
Katirose - F**K me sideways - you have lost a whopping 25lb girl. Thats amazing. I bet you are reallly proud. You stick at it and dont get side tracked like I have haha. I sooooo want some of your motivation!!!!
Bin - Bloody typical that its your day off and its raining. Get stuck into that housework tho with some of your favourite song and before you know it you'll all be done and dusted. I always get a senseof achievement when I do the housework. probally coz I hardly ever do it and wait till its desperate hahaha.
Well girls, my last day at work. I have took tomorow off as I have my friend coming to stop while we are away so someone is there to look after the cats so Ineed to blitz the whole house (yes, it's looking desperate Bin haha). Plus, the Adonis needs most of his clothes ironed ready to pack for holidays and I still need to pack.
Then tomorow night we have got the kids so we are off to the metrocentre to do some last minute shopping and take them to Pizza Hut or Franky and Bennys. Then I have to immac the Adonis's back for him hahahaha. He's a very hairy man hehe. So that will befun but yucky!
Then we'll be up bright and early Fri morning to take the kiddywinks to school, then offto wetherspoons for a breckie then off to the airport at 11am. We are booking into the VIP lounge. Its only £16 each and you get unlimited alcaholic drinks and snacks so we thought that would work out cheaper than sitting at the normal airport bar. Few vods then I'll be on that plane. Not too many though as I still want to be standing when I get there on the evening haha.
I wish I had worked a tad harder at my diet but nothing I can do now All my clothes fit and I dontlook bad so that will do me. Still hating the kangeroo pouch but I'll just "forget about it" (in the words of a gangster haha).
Well girls, I have so much work to do so I really must get going, but you all take care and I'll speak to you as soon as I get back to work (so around the 7th October). I'll miss all our chats

But the sun, sand and sangria will keep me entertained hehe.
Auriviour for now amigos xxxx